I reckon they will take my licence of me by then Rocky. Infact. I know they will.
yeah, I reckon I will be used as compost for vegie gardens by then too
However, as the article sez -
"Both announcements appear to be more political grandstanding and headline-grabbing than of any great substance, though. No new laws have been passed and neither government may be in power after the next round of elections, let alone 20-odd years down the track."
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
It is worthwhile reading the article ... however, here's another snippet from the article -
"It said peak electricity demands on an already stretched system could rise by 50 per cent when electric vehicles are in recharge mode in the evening or overnight.
The extra electricity needed to run an electric-vehicle fleet would also be nearly 10 times the output of a new nuclear power station being built in Somerset in southwest England."
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Roll on 2040 I'll only be 103 years old, perhaps we could all get together for a grand party and reminisce about what has happened or not, in the past 22 years
please send my invitation to Lot 2040 Rookwood cemetery I'll rise up and make sure I'm there.
Roll on 2040 I'll only be 103 years old, perhaps we could all get together for a grand party and reminisce about what has happened or not, in the past 22 years please send my invitation to Lot 2040 Rookwood cemetery I'll rise up and make sure I'm there. Cheers David
You are very lucky, David You was born before us troublesome, baby boomers came on the scene
We caused trouble when we were born, as there were too many of us, for the maternity ward, and I had to be born at home.
We caused trouble when we went to school, as there were too many of us, and our year were crowded into the classrooms like sardines, and being small and at the back, I never learned anything
We caused trouble when we were old enough to go on the employment rides, as there were too many of us, and I had to wait in line for six months, to enter the "working in the pits", ride.
We caused trouble when we were old enough to retire, and get onto the Old Age Pension ride, as there were too many of us, and there was no money left for us, so some like me, were turned away.
We will cause trouble when we are old enough to leave, as there are just too many of us, and the cemeteries are already nearly full
Us baby boomers will have no option, except to live a lot longer, if we do not want to cause any more trouble