Good reading John Thanks.
Also many do not take into account the length of the A frame and how far the ball is from the axle/rear wheels.
Unfortunately some get embarrassed when reversing, it's easier to reverse a 40ft semi than a 6x4 trailer.
Thanks John
Thanks for all that info John - we have our car (800kg) on a tilt trailer, specifically made with all things legal, which weighs 300kg - 1200kg, which our manual and has said is great, with some left over. Don't even know it is on the back, doesn't sway, has Redarc electric brakes which work well, and the controller is easily accessible.
We looked at flat towing, but not all vehicles, as the article says, are suitable for this option. Our car is a manual, 4 cyl, which we purchased specifically because of the weight. Our tow bar was made and fitted by a tow bar company, who guarantee their work to be compliant, so we are doing the right thing, we feel.
The other thing is of course, speed. Could not tell you how often we have been passed by huge caravans being towed by 4wd (loaded to the rafters and above with all sorts of stuff) - we sit on 90kph usually, it is safe for us, and our vehicles and other drivers. These passers just disappear into the distance - motorhomers are much the same - fly past us. Just because the speed limit is 100k - that is the LIMIT - not the speed you should travel at.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
I know what you mean Jules last Easter going up Indian ocean drive north of Perth, caravans, motor homes and 4x4 with camper trailers passed me like i was standing still.
Thing was i was doing 90kmh in my Kia sorrento and 14ft van on a long weekend and this is a bad road for accidents so why the hurry?.
What do they say "slow down you move to fast, let the morning pass"