Pretty Hybrid batch of items there.
I'd only put three on any towing list and the Disco starts a LOT lower pricing than than 130k.
One's a car. OK for trlrs and 12fters maybe. One has bad habit of bursting into flames.
and one has a tiny little rubber band with absolutely NO electronics reliability.
The V6 would bring it into Disco price range and only a fraction of the vehicle.
performance. towing and reliability wise.
4WD and AWD's are prefered for one thing primarily.
4 wheel grip and drive on the road.
Plus stronger, Usually Bigger. chassis all round. = More stability.
The biggest problem in this country's current gen of retirees and old farts.
Is they expect a uge van. Lotsa room ALL the crap.
and an economical veh to tow with.
Weights. size and mechanical performance negates all of that.
Mid size van.
=='s Current large tow veh's.
large vans.
Either be illegal or import something they don't sell here.
Nothing here without mod's is capable of towing the larger vans
and then hoping the scalies won't stop them.
Very few are legal..WITH BOTH VEHICLES.
As it DOES. when they pull the truck weighing game on you.
MAX load. PER AXLE. V Max load. total weight. Per Vehicle\trailer.
I had to play with figures when AXLE LOADING came into it.
Comfortably legal Combined. But...
Water tanks, emptying.. Outboard and tank. plus tools. Out of Patrol into caravan
for weighing.. A fine line with todays avail rigs.
As much as it pained me I traded my beloved Pajero Sport in on a new 3ltr diesel Grand Cherokee last Friday which the dealer assured me is going to be fully set up as a tow vehicle and ready to go when I move back home to Oz next March. Why ? because as much as Jeeps seem to get bagged on this forum the GC is always listed on the different reviews as one of the top tow vehicles and basically that's what I'm after. So Macca just to annoy you I have decided to join the crowd who already decided to buy bigger boats...
I head back to sunny Oman on Sunday after a great 12 days back home with the family's been the first time I've seen either rain or the temperature below 35deg for months..