Hi. Re the Grey Nomad Times. Just wondering what I am doing wrong. When I press Click to comment nothing happens. Do I need to stand on my head to click it ? Frustrated but it must be me ! Col P
The 'click to comment' link in the Grey Nomad Times is configured to launch your default email client and automatically create an email with the relevant subject filled in in the subject line. However, if you haven't set up a default email client on your computer or if perhaps your anti-virus software stops the process, then the link will not work. If you would like to comment on any story, you can just send us an email at: thetimes@thegreynomads.com.au
PS - having said that, I do think I missed putting the link on one of the 'click to comment' text strings. Sorry!
-- Edited by Webmaster on Saturday 4th of November 2017 10:51:40 AM