Just did a write up on my blog site, (blogspot one) of our most recent get away with the Coaster.
It was only a few days at Lakes Entrance, but a pleasant break.
Probably the most exciting trip-related event was the huntsman spider I found crawling around on my shoulder, when washing the awning after the trip. That really raised the respiration rate!
-- Edited by wendyv on Monday 30th of October 2017 07:30:53 PM
They lovely little things.
I kept three as pets on my yachts.
Stern cabin. Centre ****pit and front cabin.
One often slept on my shoulder in Stern cabin.
They territorial. and you'll NEVER have ****roaches with a Huntsman on duty
They their primary food.
Yes - you can comment and/or ask questions via the comments facility, on both my blog sites - the Blogger one that is current and the wordpress one where I am putting up the older trips. If you look at the entry you are reading, there should be a comment tab at the bottom somewhere - I think?
If that doesn't work out, you can always just ask me whatever on here.....