We have an Olympic Sprinter 14ft single beds and we keep a porta potti in the cupboard under the wardrobe during the day and setup near kitchen at night. We love the small van , no wasted space .
My olympic has,nt got enough room to fit a porti potti inside as it is only 12ft. Long,have a popup & thetford but most vans i see with toilet and shower are fairly big gadgets, when I said like to travel fast l have got used to my van which l can sit on the speed limits as if l was,nt towing anything plus 9.8lts./100 is appealing as we,tend to do a lot of k,s when we travel, any van l look at with ensuite is in the 17/18ft. Range with tare weight to suit, in other words l like to travel light & fast, just my thing l suppose, just have,nt come across a van with dunny of a smaller size, thanks to all for the feedback, Regards, joda.
You happy with present van?
My first with Di. 12 ft 6in Rear door.
had inside porta. Shower built into outside wall with ext tent.
Get a pop rivetter.
and rivet on side of van The sliders for an EXTERNAL toilet\shower tent.
Takes little room up when collapsed (I have one on Coromal 535)
Along with a "HOT-TAP" HWS unit.
I can take with me or use beside pool at home.
Plus a Porta Potti in cupboard between singles. OR in tray ear of tug.
I have an "ALMOST" full bathroom in my 535 van.
Incl Air cond and Genny.
Just takes a tick to set up.
Collapsable, foldup, tut tent in tray.
if weather inclement or short stops (O-Night)
We recently sold a 3 ltr patrol,with chip. Along with 6.5 mtr Roadstar off roader. 2.7 to 3.2 ton
(water tanks)
Near 14 yrs cruising Aust. (Mar '02 to late '15.)
I remember once waking up to GPS reading 140
Di passing a coupla Road Trains on Gov't roads.
Leadfoot but extremely safe driver. EX Rally.
We AVERAGED. at road speeds (Quite often more.) over the yrs.
6.3 to 6.6KMPL Towing.
9.6 to 10.1 KMPL cruising by itself.
ALL speeds (except steep up\downhills) at traffic flow.
VERY rarely less.
You don't have to have streamlined small light rigs to travel quickly.
It's more "YOUR" capabilities at speeds to suit.
Yeppoon to Darwin. Regularly. 3.1\2 to 4 days.(1100ish a day. EX truckie, used to it)
Did Yeppoon to Adel coupla yrs ago (10) in under 37 hrs with Patrol. Comfortably.
Just plan ahead and pick you roads.
Night time the best. less cars.
Compass (Roadstar) do a VERY nice Semi Off-Roader. 16ft INSIDE.
Single axle Poptop.
weight 1.45 ton loaded.
used to do 7.2\7.5 km pl with Patrol (new) at traffic flow.
You never felt it on back.
The chips and snorkel make them a MUCH better tow veh.
They have the strongest drive line and reliable engine to start with.
Look at 14\15ft INside Evernews.
Tow anywhere. ON any roads.
Down in Vict. Hundreds of them around '98\2006 models. from $12k up.
Much better, stronger built than most modern units.
Some hardly used.
ADD Outside shower. Porta. Got it made.
Go anywhere at any speed. Safely, comfortably.
Thanks all, I knew I would get great info from you guys, centaur looks good, plus options to add to vans i will consider carefully, tug is r.w.d. diesel territory-2300kgs.tow capacity, will go and look at roadstar @ centaur first, Thanks,, Joda.
Couldn't tell you how many people we have met with a beautiful "bathroom" on board, and they only use it for No. 1 - loo paper into a plastic bag - and DEFINITELY NO NUMBER 2'Ss!
The men I have found get the hard end of the stick on this one - one I know is not allowed to use the toilet at all - has to wallk to the public or park toilet block.
Hey guys - and ladies - you live in it (ours is our home) - use what you have!!!!! Would you send your husband out to use a public loo from your house? I think not.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Usually if you get a van with a toilet it will also have a shower. Same as you we wanted a small van with a toilet. We ended up buying a Jayco 16.59 although Goldstream RV have a 14ft van ( Explorer 1400) but it was too expensive for our budget. Rod.
Ah! The serenity
Tug - Mitsubishi Challenger, Van - Starcraft Outback Poptop..
I know some vanners can do without toilet and shower. To me they are essential. Our shower toilet recess area is 965x565mm the 3kg base sold everywhere. If I can make way for one in an 11ft van then all 14ft vans should have them imo. They are also handy to place wet items like umbrella, shoes, towels. But if you are going to have one make sure you have a large access hatch to save your back and avoid carrying that heavy weight down steps.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...