Somehow, I have managed to accrue the grand sum of $1375. However, they need my bank details, to pay me. They have already tried to reach me 4 times, and if I don't reply this time, I will miss out.
The problem is these scammers are often highly organised groups. They are thieves, and they do great harm. Their victims are often elderly, unsophisticated and vulnerable. The only response is to spread the word to those people you think could possibly be impacted. I am pretty sure it does not seem funny to the people being cheated.
I have just received an mail from a mob calling themselves Fonton Dubbo stating that I've got a traffic infringement totalling $154.80. I can't tell you any more about it as I deleted it immediately, but I got to wondering how many others gave got this email, and/or how many have opened it up just through curiosity and copped a virus or something sinister.
Same ere Bill and Ken - traffic infringement n- in Dubbo, earlier this month I think it said - yep I just popped back to Dubbo from Perth (in my 1990 Nissan Micra - hahaaa) - in their dreams.
I got one from another name also.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
I have just received an mail from a mob calling themselves Fonton Dubbo stating that I've got a traffic infringement totalling $154.80. I can't tell you any more about it as I deleted it immediately, but I got to wondering how many others gave got this email, and/or how many have opened it up just through curiosity and copped a virus or something sinister.
Well well I got one and also deleted it straight away.
I was tired yesterday and I'm tired today betcha I'm retired tomorrow. he he.
I'm in deep sxxx now as I've just got another traffic infringement from someone called Mike Domains for $180.78 and if I don't pay up within 28 days I will be fronting a magistrates court !!. Really where do these dickxxxxx dream this stuff up.
We've accrued 3 or 4 of these traffic infringement notices. Our last one was from Andrew Domain. All from Dubbo except the last one which was from Queensland. The worst thing is that they do make them look quite official. I guess they do get a few clicking on their link. We just delete them and bar the email address. Of course they will pop up with a new address.