Just wondering if anyone has been so see The Giant Tingle Tree [Walpole]. We are in Walpole and are considering going tomorrow, but have conflicting reports about the road. It says not accessable for Caravans. We have a front wheel drive Motorhome and and not good on corrigated gravel roads, so are a bit concerned.
Would appreciate any input.
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
Colin - we did the Tingle Tree when we were in Tassy - 2012/13 - our memory of the road to it was ok, gravel, bit windy, but ok. We have a Fiat Ducato with a Jayco Conquest with the hump.
One road to watch though is Elephant Pass - from St Mary's to the coast - very narrow and windy, cliffs right on the road, so no room to get off. We were lucky in that there is one little spot where you can move over, as an old caravan and its tow were coming down - bit hairy for a minute there!
Good pancake parlor on the way up the hill!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
We went there when we were in Walpole about this time last year. We weren't towing as our van was left in the caravan park, but the road was a good gravel road, no real corrugations, and I think you would have no problem at all.
Yes I do apologise to one and all thanks for letting me know PeterS - too much travelling at the moment, we left Lake Indoon here in Tassy Thursday, went to Dongara, bought something we needed, and then found it didn't work, swapped it next day - then headed to Geraldton for a look around, still here.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)