Lost my best mate yesterday , our 10 year old staffy , been in our pockets everyday for last nine years . Had to make the decision to put him down as he had to undergo two big stomach surgeries .
I can honestly say cherish your pets each day you dont know how long they will be with you . I'm going to miss his loving greeting each day .
A few months ago I had to put down a 13 year old Foxy/Jack cross. Third one I've had to do. This was the worst. Doesn't get any easier. Still got an 11 year old Jack.
I don't think we realise the affect pets have on us, we treat them like members of the family and as they are reliant on us for their daily needs we naturally foster a very close relationship.
I put down many, many dogs in a former life, each one was worse than the last, I still cry.
It's down to the individual I guess, some just don't give a rats, says a lot about them in my book.
I had a bee hive removed yesterday, the bees had colonised a pot outside our back door. Unfortunately the scouts, when they returned, couldn't find their hive so congregated as a bunch in an area where the queen's scent was strongest. We came out this morning to find most had died, only a few individuals remained alive. Very sad!
Sorry to hear about the loss of your furbie. It is a hard decision to make but you would not want him to suffer.
He will always be with you in your heart and memories. Look up in the sky at night and he will be the brightest star shinning down on you.
Sorry from me too Mezza56, it's an awful time to go through.
Dogs are the most wonderful and unconditionally loyal best friends. We've lost several to illness or old age over the years and it never gets any easier when they go. Our present girl is now 9yrs old, had her from a pup. She developed diabetes 2 yrs ago and is on twice a day insulin injections and a strict feeding regime for life. Can't / won't travel where we can't take her with us. It's confining and very expensive, but she is happy and healthy because we manage her condition. Would we change anything? No way in the world! We're as dedicated to her as she is to us.
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato