I recall the day ( 7 years ago ) when I became the owner of a 89 Nissan Patrol,
And now, with more than 500,000 k's on the clock, it is still banging along,
the old girl gets an oil and filter change every 5000 k and just keeps on going,
I don't know how many times I've heard people say, " I had one of those, wish I'd never sold it" they're "Bullet proof"
I'm beginning to think they must have something going for the older Patrol, especially when there is many reports of later models being lucky to get 100.000 k on the clock, with-out having to have major repairs.
I've had people knocking on the door, wanting to buy the old girl ( naw not SWMBO ) the Patrol that is, but I ask them, what could I buy to replace it with, for the amount of money I would get for it today ???? nothing as reliable as her, that's for sure !!
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
I got my 1996 4.2 EFI GQ in 1998 when it had <50,000 on the clock. It cost me $30,000 & is the one rated to pull 2.8t. Penrite HPR30 Oil changes every 10K.
Still choofing along at only 270,000 ... mostly pulling the 2.4t van.. No beach or bush incl corrugations.
I too am frequently asked if I want to sell it. First in line is a Grand Nephew who wants it for a bush basher. Probably a give away to him, or then maybe a free sweetener when I sell the van. Avid fishermen want it for beach driving to put boats in & out.
Be lucky to get $5k for it, more like $1k. SWMBO would like a prettier replacement, even though it is a nice Maroon & Gold, but the dollars just don't add up. I might just get her a seat cushion LOL . If I could get a good 4.2 T diesel, the last b4 the ill fated common rail 4 cylinder 3L, I might consider it, but not looking.
The only recurring issue is a weep of oil from LHS rear wheel. Might be a bent axle or some sort of mal alignment that keeps buggering the seals. My mechanic will report soon. If it's too dear to fix, I'll just continue to replace inner seals every 50,000 k or so.
-- Edited by Cupie on Saturday 30th of September 2017 02:01:44 PM
After a short session with oil levels and piston burn (lack of oil)
they are sweet.
I did 240+ in mine towing a 3 ton van. Tinnie on roof.
Plenty of them.. now they got the yrs under them
are well over 4\450000km. with NO problems.
ONLY Failure costing on mine. was a $450 Key ring sensor at 150k.
Belt adjuster and I think Intercooler pressing leak at seam.
Toyota's in comparison. Had a LOT more than that.
and never as reliable or economical.
(Just the big two here)
Disco's and Mitzi's pretty good for reliability too.
Then you have the D-max. but they for under 2 ton tow.
2.5 Maybe. With later models.
Less cogs in the boxes too.
4 gears in a box. Strong. 5 then 6 then more in same space.
HAVE to be weaker. smaller\more of, pieces to fit in same space.
Think about it.
I wouldn't go over a 5 cog myself Towing. Man or auto.
Are they still in business ? Trouble is manufacters share or use outside equipment. Toyota had issues with DBW (drive by wire ) throttle a few years ago . Due to shared inferior DBW switch made in India .. Many in US had runaway situations !! New system double checks throttle position before reacting . If it's out the engine shuts down or throttle becomes inoperative !! Which can be an issue also !!
-- Edited by Aus-Kiwi on Sunday 1st of October 2017 10:45:21 AM
Kiwijims i have just sold an 89 swb 4.2 diesel with 460 000 it never missed a beat i have replaced it with a 96 model tray back 4.2 they would have to be the most bullet proof vehicle on the road they went from that to 3 liter buckets and now there not half the car they once were
Kiwijims i have just sold an 89 swb 4.2 diesel with 460 000 it never missed a beat i have replaced it with a 96 model tray back 4.2 they would have to be the most bullet proof vehicle on the road they went from that to 3 liter buckets and now there not half the car they once were
Howdy boab, Welcome to the Forum, yes, for all the km's my old girl has done, she's served us pretty well,
Mind you, I've had my share of moments with her as well,
Before we did our big trip around the Block a few years back now, ( 32.000 km ) I took the Nissan into a mob of so called 4x4 specialists here in Perth,
the intention was to give it a $350 pre-trip inspection, this ended up costing me over $3500, going by them everything had to be worked on, just a few things I can recall being serviced, were the fuel injectors and pump, water pump and all hoses required replacement, and after them having the nissan for a week, they were starting to tell me things that I knew I could fix myself, like the window wiper blades should be replaced, that's when I thought, You Blokes aren't charging me $70.00 p/h to do any more work, so I payed the bill, after getting over the shock of it, that was , then we took off on our 7 Month trip,
How lucky a Nissan owner can be ??? well I'll tell you, after we had returned home, the fan blade hit the rear of the radiator and broke a blade off, luckily for me, it didn't do any damage to the radiator, when I had a close look, I found that the so called Experts who had worked on the Nissan, had not refitted the radiator back in the bottom cross member lug holes properly, the radiator was only being held in place by two bolts, one on each side at the top, !!!
When I think of the places we had been on our trip, ( from Mountain tops of Tassie to the Outback of the N.T. ) and to know now, that at any moment the fan could have gone through the radiator, sent a shiver up my back, that's for sure.
I had a good mind to complain to the Service Mob but, then thought, it would only be my word against theirs, one thing I do know, I will never recommend them to anyone in the future.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Know a few who have bought new 4WD . Then after 18 months or so . Have bought a 4.2 and reconditioned the whole vehicle . Including rust treatment., Maybe brake upgrades depending on model ? Then sold the newer one or kept it as run around . After 600klrs like new .. They know it'll do Atleast a trusty 500 -600,000 klrs ..
Know a few who have bought new 4WD . Then after 18 months or so . Have bought a 4.2 and reconditioned the whole vehicle . Including rust treatment., Maybe brake upgrades depending on model ? Then sold the newer one or kept it as run around . After 600klrs like new .. They know it'll do Atleast a trusty 500 -600,000 klrs ..
It's good for my state of mind listening to you guys. I have been getting a little nervous about my Patrol ... just waiting for something to break & sticking me up many KM from home. I have even considered carrying a spare alternator .. Why pick that? .. just like picking a winner at the races.
I have even for the first time in my long life, taken out RACQ top cover that includes van & tug towing.
Perhaps at only 270k the Patrol is young with many more 'bullet proof' KMs left in her. It still feels great with the 2.4T van on the back.
As I have previously mentioned, no beach, bush or corrugations & I drive at a very conservative <95Km/Hr. I crawl up ranges & slowly wind down the other side and I service it regularly. I almost said that it is only driven to Church on Sundays by a little old Lady .. It's that sort of vehicle.
Know a few who have bought new 4WD . Then after 18 months or so . Have bought a 4.2 and reconditioned the whole vehicle . Including rust treatment., Maybe brake upgrades depending on model ? Then sold the newer one or kept it as run around . After 600klrs like new .. They know it'll do Atleast a trusty 500 -600,000 klrs ..
It's good for my state of mind listening to you guys. I have been getting a little nervous about my Patrol ... just waiting for something to break & sticking me up many KM from home. I have even considered carrying a spare alternator .. Why pick that? .. just like picking a winner at the races.
I have even for the first time in my long life, taken out RACQ top cover that includes van & tug towing.
Perhaps at only 270k the Patrol is young with many more 'bullet proof' KMs left in her. It still feels great with the 2.4T van on the back.
As I have previously mentioned, no beach, bush or corrugations & I drive at a very conservative <95Km/Hr. I crawl up ranges & slowly wind down the other side and I service it regularly. I almost said that it is only driven to Church on Sundays by a little old Lady .. It's that sort of vehicle.
BTW ... No airbags to go faulty either.
"GEEZ" at 270k it's hardly run in Mate, !!!
That's the only thing I had trouble with on our trip , was the Alternator, It started to show the red light ( Low charge ) while we were on the Great Ocean road, the nearest auto elec was in Colac, on the other side of the Otway Rangers, we made it running on battery only by then, and after paying out near on $400.00 for a new alternator, were on our way.
So, if you don't want to get stung on the road, carrying a spare, could save you hundreds.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Probably would not hurt to have an Auto Elec. recondition the alternator at that mileage - pretty straight forward ( probably replace bearings and brushes) not expensive and you will have peace of mind for another 300,000 kms. Basically just a regular maintainance procedure.
Probably would not hurt to have an Auto Elec. recondition the alternator at that mileage - pretty straight forward ( probably replace bearings and brushes) not expensive and you will have peace of mind for another 300,000 kms. Basically just a regular maintainance procedure.
Good idea ... I know of a goodie. One of the Old School tradies. I trust him & his work. Thanks.
My GQ had just over 270oookm and I couldn't wait to get rid of it, was a trayback and the most uncomfortable vehicle I have ever owned. Heavy on fuel, 4.2 na diesel, more rattles than a baby rattle, no leg room and I am only 5'10", where does it end. Yep brought a RANGE ROVER
My GQ had just over 270oookm and I couldn't wait to get rid of it, was a trayback and the most uncomfortable vehicle I have ever owned. Heavy on fuel, 4.2 na diesel, more rattles than a baby rattle, no leg room and I am only 5'10", where does it end. Yep brought a RANGE ROVER cheers blaze
Wadda ya expect. You brought the wrong vehicle for cruising the blacktop with a van (gin palace?) on the back. Or going to the local shops.
You had a workhorse ... mines, farm or tradies truck.
Put a load in the back or a full suite of tradies tool boxes & bits of 'essential' stores & it's a different proposition.
My GQ has coil springs all round, but with heavy duty shockies rides a bit (perhaps very) rough when unladen. Quite good with the van on the back. I actually enjoy cruising with the van on back.
Sure it is a bit heavy on fuel but you can buy lots of fuel with the vehicle price savings.
Gotta agree with you there Cupie, My old Patrol's the same, rides like it has 4 flat tyres when empty , but a different vehicle altogether when loaded to the hilt and towing our 3t + caravan, it would almost make us think that it was enjoying the extra load, she's really seems to come alive.
I don't know what people are complaining about regarding fuel economy, the old girl use's less fuel than our 05 falcon, running empty !!!
"oh" and she's also not for sale . "Hell" why sell something when it's only run in !!!! 490.000 km and counting, probably a lot more, speedo broke half way around the block. !!
Gotta agree with you there Cupie, My old Patrol's the same, rides like it has 4 flat tyres when empty , but a different vehicle altogether when loaded to the hilt and towing our 3t + caravan, it would almost make us think that it was enjoying the extra load, she's really seems to come alive.
I appears to me, that with all the travelling requirements on board, and then that van on the back, she's dragging her bum a bit.
Just making an observation ... like all of us when we get a bit of age under our belts ... we get some saggy bits.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Gotta agree with you there Cupie, My old Patrol's the same, rides like it has 4 flat tyres when empty , but a different vehicle altogether when loaded to the hilt and towing our 3t + caravan, it would almost make us think that it was enjoying the extra load, she's really seems to come alive.
I appears to me, that with all the travelling requirements on board, and then that van on the back, she's dragging her bum a bit.
Just making an observation ... like all of us when we get a bit of age under our belts ... we get some saggy bits.
Cheers - John
Yep mine's a bit down by the bum too. Must be a patrol thing, or perhaps ball weight.
Yes, you Guys are correct, The Nissan was a little down in the rear when this pic was taken, It's since been corrected with a new tow hitch and improved equalizer bars.
Mind you, it took a keen eye to spot the difference in the drawn horizontal line , she's not far off being level, if anything it made the power steering work a fraction easier.
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day