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Post Info TOPIC: Van towing


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Van towing

Gooday , is there anyone out there that uses a 2011 Jeep Cherokee KK to tow their van ? Anyone been aroung Australia with it ?



-- Edited by MGB on Tuesday 26th of September 2017 12:46:50 PM



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I don't own a jeep but I note someone on the jeep forum is asking similar questions - thought this might help.


Good Luck.



Ex balloon chaser and mercury measurer.



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The petrol engine KK has a towing capacity of 1600kg which limits the size of your van. It rates a higher towing capacity of 2200kg with a weight distribution hitch. The 3.7 litre motor is thirsty compared to other similar engined Jeeps.

The diesel 2.8 (VM Motori) has a towing capacity of 2200kgs and is a much better proposition with, as expected, much better economy.


The older model KJ Diesel has a much higher towing capacity from memory and I understand, handles the load well.



-- Edited by Bryan on Tuesday 26th of September 2017 05:13:34 PM




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There are a LOT better tow veh's on the market than jeep.
IF you haven't already got it.
I'd go elsewhere.



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macka17 wrote:


There are a LOT better tow veh's on the market than jeep.
IF you haven't already got it.
I'd go elsewhere.


GEEZ Macka hmm why is it that if someone asks about a particular vehicle they are interested in, it brings responses that have nothing to do with their question.

If a respondent does not own or use the vehicle being asked about, why oh why do people just hang sh1t on the poster's choice no

If you don't have PERSONAL experience with a particular vehicle - and that means actually OWNING one at some time - then praps just let the post go for those who do have that experience.

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
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Good post Rockylizard



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He asked for an opinion.
My brother had 2. several other mates have tried them.
I know\knew a coupla second hand yard owners.

I HAVE driven and towed with a coupla models with mates.
Incl my Brothers in Canada.

Most tell you. Nicely. Buy something else.
Jeep do NOT have a good name.

I was saying "nicely""""'. Go elsewhere. They not that good.
Just look at their all round. "going back yrs". Reputation.

Only comment I would make is. They. Some.
Have Very low roof line. the so called 4wd model is a real shorty.
With a Noisy thirsty engine. and not all that good as a 4by,
in relation to most Jap.UK Models.
With not much reliability, overall.

Car yards wouldn't touch them.
They couldn't reflog them.

just being honest and "MAYBE" Helping him to make a right choice.
If he already has one. Just realise he can only tow a SMALL van.
Legally. and SAFELY.

He asked.


Tell him to go Google. Jeep cherokee 2011 KK 

scroll down to REVIEWS.

OF owners and users.


they get a 2.5 out of 5. Mostly in the lower hanf.


Sorry mate.

For towing. a dual cab would be better.

-- Edited by macka17 on Wednesday 27th of September 2017 12:22:37 AM



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macka17 wrote:

He asked for an opinion.
My brother had 2. several other mates have tried them.
I know\knew a coupla second hand yard owners.

 The OP has a particular vehicle. He was asking about its capability as a tow vehicle. He is not in the market to purchase another vehicle, he just wants to know about towing with his particular vehicle. What's the point of your white noise?


Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top
Retired radio and electronics technician.
NSW Central Coast.



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Why is it Macka, that someone who seems to be of high intelligence and world-wide experience in their life seems not to be able to understand a poster's basic question?

The question pertains to "2011 Jeep Cherokee KK". I find it incredible that "your brother and several other mates" EACH had that EXACT model - and your brother had two! 

Why did he have TWO if they are so bad?????? confuse

Every man and  his dog are fully aware that Jeep have a "reputation" - some well-founded, some isolated, some exaggerated by the media.

I am not certain all that "background" pertains to a "2011 Jeep Cherokee KK"

I have mates who have, and still own, Patrol 3ltr 4x4s. They look past the 'early troubles' they experienced because they love their Patrols and still love to tell how they would never have anything else.

I have meet many, probably more than 100, Jeep owners on my travels. I have yet to meet one who does not love their vehicle. Equally I have met an equal number of all variants of Landcruiser, Patrols and the owners of various utes ... many have/are disappointed with their vehicle. Some with the vehicle itself, the dealers they have used, the services they have suffered so who knows which of all those available are the "best".

However, in regard to "2011 Jeep Cherokee KK" I wouldn't know one if it knocked me down and ran over me. Hence, I would never provide a comment on their worth or otherwise.

Cheers - John

[edit: and just to keep it balanced, in my eight years on the road, I have met many, many Discovery 2, 3 and 4 owners who love their vehicles and have not experienced any of the 'reliability' issues they are apparently famous for. Like me, they have invariably owned Toyota or Nissan products previously - and would not return to those marques]


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
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OK Knockers.

BEFORE "WE" ALL start.

Read his post.

ASKING about a certain veh. and suitability of.

Just info on that veh.


My Brother has had both a Soft top, and one of that KK models.
I rand and asked him Yesterday morn to check. And Carl in States.
He wouldn't have one in his drive. even for Betty.

Others I've met on road with vans have had "That shape" maybe not that model.
But. IN general. (Some do love them)
They not the best veh to do the job with ok ALL.

Go to any second hand yard dealers (other than Jeep dealers agents obviously)
and ask them about the saleability of jeeps of that era and prev.

Don't know about later models. But several mates I know in US and Canada.
(I See them most yr or alternates.)
Mostly towers of vans, big boats. and Fifthers.

Can't remember one saying anything about Jeeps and ALL own alternates.
Mainly Ford. Chevvy, with some Dodge.
Even one Toyota Tacoma.
And he loves it.

Over there. anything that small is basically the wife's runabout.
Although the sliding door large vans
seem more popular with the family rigs..
In the Carolina's and South anyway..

Ask that young fella on here that's cruising the States.
See what he says??.



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I speak from personal experience. In the last 20years I've had one Jeep Wrangler unlimited, two KK Cherokees and two Grand Cherokees. The only major problem I've had is a stone through the radiator and a very scary knocking sound from one of my KK's suspension. This turned out the be one front coil shifting position slightly after a two inch lift, not a Jeep problem. In fact it was my fault, for not taking my car back to the people who did the lift after 500kms so they could re-tighten the suspension as they had advised advised me.


My son has had two Wranglers, again no problems at all.


In the very small group that I fish with, members have been impressed with the performance of the Jeeps and over time 4 of them have bought Jeeps.


Unlike you, I don't have a vast knowledge on all things mechanical and otherwise, which is why I limit my posts tothings I have owned and subjects I am fully conversant with.




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macka17 wrote:

OK Knockers. Not knocking - jest highlighting

BEFORE "WE" ALL start.

Read his post.

ASKING about a certain veh. and suitability of.
NOT ONE WORD IN POST ABOUT HIM ""OWNING" ONE. Doesn't matter. The poster is asking a specific question regarding TOWING with a particular vehicle.

Just info on that veh.


My Brother has had both a Soft top, and one of that KK models.
I rand and asked him Yesterday morn to check. And Carl in States.
He wouldn't have one in his drive. even for Betty.    In the Americas ... yep that is surely relevant confuse TOTALLY different world. Was the soft top a Cherokeed KK as well? How long ago did they own theirs??

Others I've met on road with vans have had "That shape" maybe not that model.
But. IN general. (Some do love them)
They not the best veh to do the job with ok ALL. So those you have met have had "that shape" not necessarily a Cherokee KK and found their 2011 Jeep Cherokee KK not the best for towing?

Go to any second hand yard dealers (other than Jeep dealers agents obviously)
and ask them about the saleability of jeeps of that era and prev.  Re-sale value is not relevant to the poster's query ... not re-sale - how does it tow?

Don't know about later models. But several mates I know in US and Canada.
(I See them most yr or alternates.)
Mostly towers of vans, big boats. and Fifthers. And as you say below ... they consider their big 'trucks' for towing rather than using the "wife's runabout"

Can't remember one saying anything about Jeeps and ALL own alternates. YEP - Yanks don't use the "wife's runabout"
Mainly Ford. Chevvy, with some Dodge.
Even one Toyota Tacoma.
And he loves it.

Over there. anything that small is basically the wife's runabout. you said it ....... not me !
Although the sliding door large vans
seem more popular with the family rigs..
In the Carolina's and South anyway..

Ask that young fella on here that's cruising the States. The query pertains how suitable does any member on this forum consider the 2011 Jeep Cherokee KK for towing in Australia. It assumes the comments would come from those who have owned one and used it for towing.
See what he says??.


Of all the people on this forum, I MUST get to your area one day and I just gotta spend an arvo with ya Macka ...... you are not only unique, but I think, meeting you face-to-face would be a dead give-away that you just love stirring the possum and most of the rubbish you post on here is just to stir us all up.

You could not possibly believe some of the 'advice' you give.

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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Have a read at the subject below from Popular Mechanics.




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Arghh Macka ..I still loves ya!


Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him... 


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Eaglemax wrote:

Arghh Macka ..I still loves ya!

 Funnily enough, me too.




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what's the world coming to!

No Patrol or DMax. Where to from here! And heaven forbid it includes 2 Jeeps and a Landcruiser!


Regards Ian


Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done

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MGB , I would be taking particular notice of Bryans opinion re Jeep , his opinion is based of a lot of personal experience with them .

And just on a side note the poster that said they are not that good as 4 x 4s does not know what they are talking about . I have seen Bryans jeeps go everywhere that the big league 4bs go inc super soft beaches and hill climbs that challenge a Landcruiser .



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TheHeaths wrote:


what's the world coming to!

No Patrol or DMax. Where to from here! And heaven forbid it includes 2 Jeeps and a Landcruiser!


Breathe easy fellas ... it is a yankee review site .... no relevance to Straya really.

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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rockylizard wrote:
TheHeaths wrote:


what's the world coming to!

No Patrol or DMax. Where to from here! And heaven forbid it includes 2 Jeeps and a Landcruiser!


Breathe easy fellas ... it is a yankee review site .... no relevance to Straya really.



Cheers - John

 And was in response to Macka quoting USA and Canada, especially his last sentence about the young fellow on here, presently cruising the States.




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Purely a tongue in cheek reference Rocky.

As with you, I question relevance of some comments at times, much as you did in your original post on this.


Regards Ian


Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done


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Sorry, but the opinion police need to take a chill pill...and I mean the USUAL opinion police.

Macka has every RIGHT to comment his OPINION on any topic...if you don't like his opinion just ignore it.

Why are you few so riled up about opinions that YOU don't agree with...give everyone a FAIR GO ffs!

Let the initiator of the blog direct the path of opinions. no


Cheers, Richard (Dick0)

"Home is where the Den is parked, Designer Orchid Special towed by Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited"

"4x250W solar panels, Epever 80A charger and 3x135Ah Voltax Prismatic LiFePO4 Batteries".


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Bryan wrote:



Have a read at the subject below from Popular Mechanics.

 A fabulous article about off road vehicles...nothing about the towing capabilities though!


Cheers, Richard (Dick0)

"Home is where the Den is parked, Designer Orchid Special towed by Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited"

"4x250W solar panels, Epever 80A charger and 3x135Ah Voltax Prismatic LiFePO4 Batteries".


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Dick0 wrote:


Macka has every RIGHT to comment his OPINION on any topic...if you don't like his opinion just ignore it.



Sorry DickO ... ya can untwist the knickers. hmm

I agree completely he, as everybody on here, has the right to his/their opinion. That is not the issue.

I was only reminding our learned gentleman (and any other self-opinionated member) that it would be far more productive, and informative, if responses addressed the question posed by posters.

Not much point in telling someone "model X" is the best when the query was about "model Z". 

It also doesn't help the original poster if the "advice" offered is subjective and also from irrelevant, or outdated sources. 

Rather than ignoring this learned gentleman, I would rather read, and enjoy, his advice/opinion/experience when it is RELEVANT to the post. I know he can do it ... and he often does hmm it is jest that sometimes......................................hmm

S'all I woz on about. cry

Jest sayin' no

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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I love the smell of irony in the evening!


Regards Ian


Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done


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Shhhhh Lizard. Dicko.

Don't let it out of the bag.

Jeeps, over the yrs have a reliability problem . over a lot of models.
Not just one or two.
They used to be prone to be a Barbie to

No different to Toyota I supppose..

Regarding the "post Police".

Let them go.

I enjoy the reactions.

If you ever do meet me. You'll see I'm not a bad bloke.
Just prone to biters.
They bite. I stir. EVERY time.
More they bite. More I dig in.

Nature of the beast.

People don't like. There's the door mate.

Life would be boring otherwise. Wouldn't it.

I get mixed up with info occasionally when the powder levels vary.
Self inflicted.
But always apologise if I'm wrong. (Usually)
But it's not often.

I Know lots of bits about lots of things over the yrs.
and a lot of others KNOW more than I do,
about a LOT more.

The idea when you got to my age.
Is to try and pass it on.

I was a good Crane. Excavator and Dragline operator for 40 odd yrs.
Plus an old school diesel Tech.

Just a shame we can't pass on those experiences too.

There is a VAST wealth of knowledge being lost every yr.

ALL the skilled tradies, Cabinet Makers. Toolmakers etc.
ALL gone.

Never to be recovered.

Ah well. We'll (I'LL) be next.
Then a few on here will probably clap loudly.

While I stand behind the door at the other end of tunnel.
Waiting for them with a bucket of cold water hey. Chuckle.

EVERY day is a good one people.
Have one of them. OK.



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Where would all of macka's "friends" be if macca wasn't around to post his "words of wisdom" (or "not-so wise")?
There would be no arguments, no reams of notes to read, no facts based on years of experience & nothing to wind us up as he sits there wondering who is going to take the bait to an odd comment!

PS - I'm missing his last picture on this forum of his folding picnic table! And yes, I have a warped sense of humour too!
My wife hates going to the movies with me if a comedy is on as I start cackling before the punch line, knowing what is coming.




If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!

2019 Isuzu D-Max dual cab, canopy, Fulcrum suspension; 2011 17' Jayco Discovery poptop Outback

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I think what Macca is really trying to say is the acronym JEEP stands for. Just Empty Every Pocket! Some models (in the past) were prone to catch fire very easily. Most had a very weak Dana Diff which was expensive to replace, as is just about anything on a pre 2013 jeep. It is was a must that you had to buy the whole component not just the broken part, think gear box and transfer case. I know because my mate had one. I dont know the model, as I dont like yank things much. But it was a very expensive exercise for him, and it turned off a lot of my mates considering one. When it was running it was a monster 4x4. But it was like the old landrovers,,,, something was always going wrong or broken. Once a car brand gets that reputation its hard to shake. So poor old Jeep has a huge credibility gap to overcome. Its much like Toyota. It built its reputation on the past. Present cars are not nearly as good. Look at what I own and so far, the LR is winning hands down in reliability, recalls, cost to service and run. So I think poor old Jeep has the same problem. Also need to consider if you dont have a choice like I do, what car can get fixed in the outback if/should/maybe it breaks down. I think even a LR has more hope than Jeep in that regard.

Thats my pot stirring. Will now sit back for the chuckle.


David Irvine

Tugs: 2016 Discovery 4./2017 Toyota 76 GLX Auto Wagon. Van: New Age Manta Ray Deluxe



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Macca's posts are sometimes full of good advice, sometimes funny, sometimes a little bit out there and sometimes they are utter rubbish (probably intentionally just to get a bite) one thing though they are always entertaining. This latest one as Rocky pointed out is probably a little bit away from answering the original post but who cares if you don't want to read it you can always move on. Just to annoy you Macca and the other Jeep knockers  I have decided to buy a Grand Cherokee Limited when I get back to Oz probably because I'd rather spend 80K than 110K+ for a Landcruiser with the same features  - I can do a lot of repairs for the money that I save. Maybe I will get bitten but c'est la vie (thats life) as the French would say you can get a lemon with anything that you buy.



-- Edited by The Belmont Bear on Thursday 28th of September 2017 03:52:35 PM



2018 Grand Cherokee Limited - 2022 Concorde 2000


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Best of luck BB.

Just remember the comment on repairs\Maint Outside metro areas.

THAT's the reason Mostly. the proven (in Aust) veh's are top of the list.

You can have the BEST tug ,or off roader in the world.
but if you up the top end or out in the Simmo. Anywhere in fact.
and you can't get a $20 or even $10 part.

How good is it really?. Sitting in middle of wherever.

with an expensive (or not) rig that won't go anywhere?.

That's why my list in this country have been
Fairlane's. Navara's. Patrols and D-Max.

Proven. DO the job
and bits everywhere...

Think about it..
Local areas fine. Outside of. Hmmmm. Not me.

Went to the old Bull riding pub in Rocky last night for a meal and entertainment.
"Practice riding" evening. (Lee Kernighan's old place a few yrs ago)

We've seen a few good internationel Countyry and Rock shows there over last 15\17 yrs.

That gravel voiced Scottish rock singer (Sorry memory not home)
Put on a great show with his daughter coupla yrs ago.

3 yr old. YES seriously
a 3 yr old kid on an old little round fat cow.
with two blokes holding animal one holding li'l tacker.
EVERYBODY cheering.

Solo riders from 7 yrs to teenagers.
and some of those yearling Brahmans were toey.

One was pawing the ground. and advancing.
Backing a "clown" round the arena.

He WANTED that bloke.

Bloody good evenings fun.
Others should try it for a meal and night out.

"Pork Ribs" are great. as are the Steaks. Obviously.

The Baked Salmon. To die for...
and $23.50 to $28 per meal (350g steak $32.)
a fair price for very good tucker.

Whoops (chuckle)
Back on subject again.

Goog. reliable Maybe??????? 4 wd tow machines.

-- Edited by macka17 on Thursday 28th of September 2017 05:24:56 PM



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Another thread stuffed up by Macka


Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top
Retired radio and electronics technician.
NSW Central Coast.


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