Well after a lapse of about 55 years I decided to revisit the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers last weekend & what an eventful and enjoyable trip it turned out to be.
Booking van accommodation about 1 month in advance proved a problem. Nothing available in Toowoomba but we got a powered site in Oakey which is a nice 25 minute drive away. So that was an OK start. We booked for 'in' thursday & 'out' monday.
The weather in the lead up had been close to perfect but on the day we left we ran into really bad westerly winds. Of course we were heading west. In caravanning there is never such a thing as a strong tail wind.
We got on the highway just a couple of Km from home and the wind (I thought) noise was terrible. It sounded like the wind was roaring through every slight gap in the poor old GQ Patrol and of course there was the occasional thump that I put down to a long time troublesome 'roof trim brace' that becomes evident when I don't have a kayak on top.
Anyway we put up with it all as I watched the fuel rapidly disappearing until we reached our usual coffee stop at a Gatton fruit barn & that's where the next problem arose.
SWMBO opened her door & the ferocious wind caught it and slammed it open with great force. She slammed it shut against the force of the wind & we thought 'All OK'. Wrong.
After a bit of fruit & vege shopping & a cup of OK coffee, the bloody door wouldn't open up. Buggar! Got it open just enough to squeeze in. And it stayed like that until today when my local mechanic fixed it for $30 cash, leaving a fair old dent in the door, but who cares on a 20 YO truck.
But that wasn't the worst of it. Despite my efforts the strange noises continued and by the time we got to Oakey I decided that I had a failing rear wheel bearing and a creaking WDH. After driving around the CP without the van I got out a torch & had a good look under the Patrol.
There it was! And wasn't I pleased to discover that when we first got on the highway I had run over a piece of someone's plastic wheel arch cover & it had jammed up between my rear tyre & wheel arch. It was rubbing on my tyre making a scraping sound & occasionally as we hit a bump it would bounce off & drum against my wheel arch.
It was a joy to drive noiselessly, well rather noiselessly in an old GQ, for the rest of the trip. The only problem is where do I put my souvenir. Perhaps nailed to the wall in my BBQ area as a conversation starter.
The Van site was noisy on Thursday with all the trucks servicing the local Acland/New Hope CSG, I presume, racing past but quietened down for the rest of the stay. A nice basic CP with spotless amenities. The rear western sites might be the best. Ours was easy to drive onto but nearest to the road.
Oh Yes, the Gardens were fantastic & the Parade exactly as I remembered it from more than half a century ago.
The ride home was a delight after I wound the rig down the range.
ps. We took the opportunity to drive out to Bowenville to check out our second ever free camp (in 20 years of vanning) at Oakey Creek ... We will probably use it on the first night of our proposed trip back to Darwin next year.
There is always something that can and will go wrong.
We had also planned to visit the Garden City, but!!!! next year.
How is the twin tub going.
Glad you enjoyed the free camping experience.
we also went to the carnival of flowers. Stayed at the showground car part. No water, no electricity. They had booked out the grounds for other events. Go figure that one out.
Anyway, carnival parade was magnificant. The gardens also Were beautiful.
Glad you had a nice trip and isn't it wonderful to have an old Patrol that makes dreadful noises and find out that it's just a simple and cheap fix like pulling a bit of noisy road rubbish out. Happy travels mate.
Thanks all for going to the trouble of reading my ramblings & a particular thanks to those who have chosen to comment. It's good to see that an old man's ramblings don't just disappear into cyberspace.
I agree, Adreamer that many of us get enjoyment from reading of other's adventures. It might be better for the Forum if that were more the focus rather than the frequent techo & psuedo-social arguments that we endure.
Jaydee .. I have attached the washer to a ply base that will help quick securing to the back of the GQ & act as a base for it on top of a couple of my milk crates (to give extra height for drainage assistance). We have had a couple of test runs & are extremely surprised and pleased at how well it goes. I made a special hose with a ball **** for easy filling from my A frame tap & to finish the project. I have made a cover for it from a cheap BBQ cover. We can't wait for a real try out on our next trip to Tallebudgera or similar. A good deal. Thanks for that. It gave me the bonus of an extra project to work on too.
Rocket .. SWMBO insisted that we drive by the Showgrounds on our way to Oakey one day & we had a bit of a drive around. Saw a few caravans. Should have stopped & we might have met. Lots of horse floats, interestingly separated into 'Qld" & "NSW" sites if I remember correctly. We need to consider showgrounds for possible future 'free camping'.
Yes Plodalong, although the Patrol has lots of 'character' & a few thumps & creaks it just keeps going & going & is very forgiving of amateur mechanics & Electricians like me. I can still remember when it was (almost) new and with its Maroon & Gold livery it was a real head turner as we drove into van parks about 20 years ago with the great big (21'6" - large for then) ensuited van trailing proudly along behind. They don't look these days but she keeps going & going running like sewing machine (an industrial one perhaps) while lots of its successors fall by the wayside. When I sell the van I'll probably throw in the Patrol for free (unless my Great Nephew gets it first .. he wants it for bush bashing of course).
Thanks all for the interest. I hope I haven't missed anyone.