What do people think of the Stirling fridge with the SECOP BD35F compressor?
Aussie Paul.
We have an identical fridge to the Stirling called a "Indel B" .....this fridge is sold under many names. Anyway we've had 5 good years out of ours, running it continuously at -20C for 3 months when we did the block, so no complaints.
Desert Dweller said
08:05 PM Sep 20, 2017
"Aldi catering for the people that cannot afford the real thing. Dodgy as."
And there are many grey nomads that cant "afford the real thing". Some dont get inheritance, large super payouts, luck of real estate surges...whatever. good luck to those that do, no jealousy here but I get annoyed by the haves that dont consider the have nots. Aldi can be a great source for the budget nomad whether in a tent or a camper trailer they are still grey nomads worthy of being a member here. Catering for these nomads does not mean they are "dodgy".
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
Aldi catering for the people that cannot afford the real thing. Dodgy as.
Sorry, you continually bore us with you negative better than thou attitude, disappear back into the dessert and loose yourself in the reflective nature of your camera lens!
Thanks for the heads-up Mike. I've had some great stuff from Aldi including camping gear. In fact we shop there a lot, always been happy with the quality and service. In 10 yrs we've only had one faulty item which was replaced immediately, no questions asked. On the other hand, an "Aussie" online supplier recently ripped me off with shoddy goods (camping item) and refused to accept responsibility, replacement or refund. Local retailers won't survive on patriotic sentiment alone - time they got real.
As for the regular naysayer on this forum, well their drivel just gets ignored by me I'm afraid.
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato
Aldi catering for the people that cannot afford the real thing. Dodgy as.
I'll second, third and fourth that. Isn't it amazing how people like to bag things they have never even tried. Duh, not brand name, not good, Duh! Aldo stuff is is very good quality and backed by money back, no questions asked.
What do people think of the Stirling fridge with the SECOP BD35F compressor?
Aussie Paul.
I bought the Aldi Stirling fridge last time it was on special, it's a clone of the Waeco CF40. This seems to be a very much copied fridge. The Stirling CF40 replaced a Waeco CF25 in the back of my car, identical: Same shape, same height, same length, same controls, same motor, just a little wider. Damn good fridges, never had a problem with either.
Thanks for that information Mike, it was appreciated
I am now the proud owner of the Stirling 40 litre fridge at $499
Being in the wild west area, (and never having been to one of these specials Aldi before), I was expecting a bit of shoving and pushing
So I took the boss along for protection
It was all very tame and civilised About half hour before opening time, there were about twenty odd people already in the queue A staff member came out and started giving tickets for the items on special There were only about 8 of each item, in the store in my area When you went through the checkout, you had to show your ticket
What do people think of the Stirling fridge with the SECOP BD35F compressor?
Aussie Paul.
Early days Paul, as I have just brought one, as a backup to my gas fridge
It seems to work OK, and with the 24 month warranty, I will not have any concerns for a while
The advertised usage of 3.7 amp, is in the ballpark, as on minus 22°C (the lowest temperature setting)my readings were 4.2 amp on MAX and 2.7 amp on ECO Setting the temperature at minus 3°C (it cycled between minus 5°C and 0°C, the amps leaving the battery were 3.9 on MAX and 2.5 on ECO
I had no problems freezing one litre of water in a two litre plastic milk bottle
On minus 3°C setting the real temperatures inside the fridge, using 3 x wireless thermometers were On floor of fridge minus 1.2°C, top of milk bottle 1.9°C, in crisper 3.6°C
Picture below will show where I placed the thermometers
I only use my motorhome part time, but will give an honest evaluation, in the future
Eagle max ., lol I did ok on pretty much all of them things you mentioned . Still shop at Aldi .. Lol . But I'll say it again . I can't believe the snob stuff that goes on !!!