Hi , I understand where you are coming from we just went to Nanango Music Muster and I couldn't get any info on how that worked before going and it was my first experience of this sort of camp. We were there for 6 nights . The first three days they had walk up acts singing , some good, some not so good. Then on the Thursday night they had a concert with the 16 best singers voted by the audience do a concert. Friday lunchtime the main artists started and went from 9 am till about 10 at night playing for about 30 min each. Same on Saturday with bush poets as well and finished up Sunday lunchtime so there was basically non stop music so you came and went from your van up to the stage area as you wanted. A lot of people marked their spot by leaving theirs chairs there all the time. Was a great week, don't know if yours will be the same but am sure you will have a good time. We are looking at the Kempsey one for next year as we saw it advertised. Interested to hear how it went.