It's no rumour about the closure. I rang in April re staying there again to be told that it will not be reopened due to caravanners cutting branches off trees to make a convenient entry for themselves, digging ruts to level vans, hence causing erosion near the lakes edge, running generators which scared birdlife and expense of keeping the road in good condition. Such a shame as it was a beautiful camp.
Was a guy at Wuruma Dam one time, used to put his cassette into his boat, go out to the middle and empty it there - thought that was a bit rough, but a lot more water to disperse it than in a waterhole, I must say.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Heard a rumour the other day (and I hate rumours) that the camp at Longreach Waterhole, Elliott, Nt, has been closed. Can anyone confirm please.
Re Longreach Waterhole camp. I note that their is a comment 29/08/2017 on wikki camps that it was in use.
Might be worth a phone call. WikiCamps is by mp means gospel
See wikki camps comment on Thompson River weir camp, I suspect that is where someone got their wires crossed. The comment was " take your rubbish with you or the place will be closed." Not Thompson River Apex camp.