We are about to go on our first extended caravan trip and I find the nights the hardest During the day we go exploring or sight seeing but I find I am very bored and restless at night. Not really TV people. Any suggestions to fill in the evening hours ?
We both have an iPad with several games on it (solitaire - internet not required) and stuff thru Facebook. We also play board games & cards (eg. euchre, cribbage, Rummycub, scrabble). Wife also keeps up with friends. and posts photos taken thru the day.
Facebook and on-line reading require a phone connection. We have plenty of data capacity on our mobile plan to do what we need. Our data capacity is the combined capacity of each.
I also get 2 electronic car magazines each week that I get to read. Also have an internet security system at home that I can review.
You can always find someone to have a chat & a drink with.
Try some forums that has your interests. I"m on a health forum as a volunteer, car forum and we play electromic monopoly. If conditions ok we'll have a campfire.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
When we go away we find that after cooking and eating tea, washing up and packing away, then a quick bucket bath and a toilet visit that it's time for bed at 8.00pm. Maybe then we'll listen to the ABC on the wireless or read in bed but usually not for long. When home we never go to bed before 11.30pm. You just seem more relaxed and have less distractions when away so we find life just slows down. This seems to happen automatically....just part of the deal.
It's great!!
We both read, I play my ukulele or mandolin, we process our nature photos taken on the day. If we've got reception we participate in a few forums. We get up early & go for an hours brisk walk at first light before breakfast. We watch a little bit of TV but mostly watch boxed sets of DVD's like Downton Abbey, Pride & Prejudous, War & Peace or music DVD's. We hit the sack at 8.30pm after having dinner at 5.30pm. We have 3 alcohol free days per week & eat lots of vegies. After bushwalking for around 3 hours per day photographing wildlife it doesn't take us long to go to sleep.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Sit around the fire and talk with child-bride, stare into the flames. Rarely we will watch a video or TV. Marshmallows are sometimes cooked if we have visitors.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
I do word puzzles, Sudoku, play solitaire with a pack of cards, read; last trip wrote in a diary mostly about our camp site for the night (facilities etc) for future reference and I keep a record of spending (a throwback from when we lived pay day to pay day), hand sew/crochet around washers. I don't have a problem filling in the night till bed time. Hubby on the other hand often looks lost to me. He's a TV and computer person in the evening but we don't get good reception on our little TV and mostly don't have internet though he does have it on his Telstra phone. He's not really a book reader either. On our last longer trip before this one he kept a journal. Hope that helps.
Since I retired people have asked me what do I do with all that spare time - my answer is what ever I feel like, I'm sure that you will find something to do to fill in those hours.
Just an extra thought. If you have internet you could do on line surveys. There are quite a few companies that look for people to do these. Most of them are from 10 minutes to 30 minutes in length.
So, I guess, from what all responses so far have been, you all sit inside your vans and ignore those around you from the end of happy hour til dawn (or more likely mid morning) then emerge for the day. Not particularly interesting in my opinion.
We set up camp. Light up a small camp fire and make dampers with Olives, grated cheese, thin sliced pumpkin a few raisins. Poor a red.
It draws in our fellow Nomads in 5mins and the night rolls on. Great way to meet shy folks. Brings out the best in some. If you don't like to mix, so be.
Everyone is different. I like to listen to music. We watch the ABC on our Sat TV and the NRL. I love cooking on camp fires in our camp oven. Corn beef with a classic white cheese sauce over the meat and veg once in a while.
Roll out a few towels on a tarp and turn off all the lights and watch shooting Stars on clear warm nights.
If you bush camp like we do buy yourself a good quality spotlight & go bush roaming. Most of Australia's animals are nocturnal & there are plenty of Owls & Nightjars out there.
-- Edited by Desert Dweller on Friday 25th of August 2017 05:14:05 AM
Since I retired 17 years ago at 49 I wonder how on earth I ever found the time to go to work, there are simply not enough hours in the day. That was until I came down with PsA, now life is boring as most everything is boring and painful. Such is life!
Night is a long time though !! Esp in winter ., 5 to 6 pm usually dinner then bed around 10 to midnight. Up about 8Am . If travelling I'm up around 6AM to get on the road . But hey we are retired !! No fixed program !! Seem busier now than I ever was !! Not sure if you / I think there's less time to do things ?? Lol