I had the opportunity to weigh rig fully loaded today as we headed off. It appears I still have too much ball weight, so at least now I know what I need to do.
Aussie Paul.
-- Edited by aussie_paul on Wednesday 23rd of August 2017 07:09:13 PM
I had the opportunity to weigh rig fully loaded today as we headed off. It appears I still have too much ball weight, so at least now I know what I need to do.
Aussie Paul.
-- Edited by aussie_paul on Wednesday 23rd of August 2017 07:09:13 PM
Thanks people. I do have some thinking and work to do. I wonder of shifting the axles would be worth thinking about. I can see now why the utes work as all the stuff, including fuels etc I have in the front boot and genset etc could be in the rear of the tug.
In that case AP, unfortunately, all of your weights are out. So, according to Mitsubishi your ball weight is too heavy for the vehicle, and according to your compliance plate, your van is nearly 300kg overloaded, and has over 100kg too much on the wheels.
Your maximum ATM is 2727kg, but actual weight is 3020 kg (2700 when hitched, plus the ball weight), your maximum GTM is 2585kg, but the actual weight on the wheels is 2700kg, and the max ball is 180 but is actually 320 kg.
I know you are probably well aware of that, so good luck getting your weights within the legal loadings allowed.
Sorry to do a Sybil Fawlty and "state the bleeding obvious", but if they do ever pull you over loaded as you were for this trip, you would have a problem, and probably not the ball weight!
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done