Has anyone had trouble with rippling in external on external roof area on crusaders. If so can you advise on the result. Our van is only 14 months old.
I would go back to Crusader, 2 mounths out of warranty period, would have to be covered, or at the very least, you would think they would be concerned as well.
I guess this would be a good test to their customer service skills.......or not!
At least start with Crusader, put it all in writing and then if they get difficult off to Consumer Affairs in your state.
Forget about the 12 month warranty, if they tell you its out of warranty ignore them. Consumer Affairs legislation requires a product to have a reasonable serviceable lifetime depending on what the is. Google the legislation and have a look at it.
you will find many new vans with ripples in the roof - theres been many discussions about this in the past here.
Our new Supreme has a rippled roof from new - doesn't leak, but does leave puddles until you move it and it blows off.
All part of the lack of quality control and no pride in their products by most manufacturers - maximum profit.....just so long as it looks flash inside when you buy it
Cheers Bruce
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I was told that the 'dimples' in the roof were normal as the roof is a loose 'skin' only attached at the sides to allow for expansion and contraction depending on the temperature.
unless the roof is leaking, I suspect they will do nothing.
We have had 3 vans in the last 9 years, and all have shown this rippling, or dimpling on the fibreglass roof. It has not affected the roof, or led to any leaks.
They will argue the roof is still fit for purpose, and that it is not a problem with respect to looks of van as it is out of sight. In short, the roof is "fit for purpose"
Good luck if you do try and get them to do something.
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done