Thinking of getting one of these , mainly to allow us to lift the front of the van up to level - current towball hitch would hit tail gate , looks like Mchitch would let us raise Hayman Reese up by about 70 mm
HAPPINESS is a journey, not a destination.
So work like you don't need the money,
Sing like no-one is listening,
Love like you've never been hurt &
Dance like no one's watching
they are not as high , 125mm compared to ~ 220 mm ....
HAPPINESS is a journey, not a destination.
So work like you don't need the money,
Sing like no-one is listening,
Love like you've never been hurt &
Dance like no one's watching
We sold our Auto Mchitch as have 2 friends, hitching up is perhaps easier but unless both car and van are on the same plane unhitching in far to hard, and giving that its for off road its unlikely that they will be level.
If you need to use a WDH then a DO35 is a standard fit up.
With a McHitch you may need rollers as an extra to have them work properly.
Do some research as to your personal needs before laying down your hard earned on the hitch.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"
If you need to use a WDH then a DO35 is a standard fit up. With a McHitch you may need rollers as an extra to have them work properly. Do some research as to your personal needs before laying down your hard earned on the hitch.
The DO35 was my initial choice , then started looking at the Mchitch , have now gone back to the DO35 as the Mchitch requires adaptor welded to WDH head
HAPPINESS is a journey, not a destination.
So work like you don't need the money,
Sing like no-one is listening,
Love like you've never been hurt &
Dance like no one's watching
If you need to use a WDH then a DO35 is a standard fit up. With a McHitch you may need rollers as an extra to have them work properly. Do some research as to your personal needs before laying down your hard earned on the hitch.
The DO35 was my initial choice , then started looking at the Mchitch , have now gone back to the DO35 as the Mchitch requires adaptor welded to WDH head
Yes lizard, I was thinking the same as you but then opted for the D0 35.
Another point is that the latter does not extend the pivot point rearward quite as far as the Mchitch.
"Seek the truth or bury you head in the sand, both require some digging"