Ok so the Toyota deal fizzled out, so now I find a Kia Pregio Manual Diesel 145K, almost identical to the toyota. Any feedback here for me please, good or bad.....Thanks
is the motor 2.7lt non turbo mk1, i don't know much on that model, we have the 2008 2.7lt non turbo ute,
This is a super car 560000km still strong gats up and go's to work every week day about 200km a day.
As some one said not a race car of the lights and maybe a bit high revs at 100km hr but who's in a hurry.
Have it checked by a mechanic, it doe's not matter what brand or model you purchase there will always be some for and against
and with any vehicle IE: cheap, expensive, any make you can't see in the future.
Get it looked at if the size fits your needs and you are happy make a decision.
i had the van for a couple of years and then upgraded to the k2700 but added a turbo to handle the extra weight. it's soon to be 11 years old with no sign of retirement. the major problem people have with the engine is usually caused by not keeping to the 7,500 km service interval. i believe it's based on a 1966 perkins that then went into mazda's and finally kia. being old school rotary injection has it's pluses and minuses.
with the preggio, have a look around the window/panel rubbers for rust - and that service record
We had two from new. Both 2002 build
Con: Gutless and difficult to get up enough speed to pass quickly & safely. Drivers seat collapses and hard to find good ones.
Plus: Basic & easy to service, good on fuel (10lt per 100) Part's relatively cheap
As previous poster mentioned, watch out for rust around the rubber "window" panels.
Well thanks one & all for your comments, for or against. I couldn't see any rust, but I will be having a complete RACQ inspection done. It was easy to drive, comfy, smooth clutch, & only needs a few cosmetic fixes & little luxuries to be just what I want. So wish me luck, & maybe I will meet you somewhere in this beautiful country of birth. Cheers & beers
good luck Haze, look after it and you'll do well. if you're doing a fit out keep the 1" alluminium and plastic joiner system in mind as it's so light and easy