Thats sad. I dont think anyones at fault for driving at 3am. It could have happened at 10pm. People arent all regulated sleepers and for a raft of reasons drive at different hours.
The lady also might not have thought it was likely a dangerous spot to sleep. These non tent sleeping bags are much less visible than a tent. Im wondering if a flag on a pole like they have on mobility scooters should be included in those products when sold.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
I remember decades ago the only cars getting on that beach in Broome were the local surf fishermen and women. One could enjoy the wide expanse of the beach without having to dodge traffic. Now it's a highway and there is no safe place for pedestrians. Why are there so many cars? I don't see many surf fishermen on that photo.
cant figure out the need for vehicles on so many of our beaches - they dig bloody great tyre tracks and knock down dunes and kill precious flora and fauna - surely walking along the beach is more fun. Boys with their stupid 4WD toys!!
About 2 years ago we were remote camping in a WA Govt RV area and it used to really p**** all of us off with sand buggies, motor bikes and the 4WD drives screaming up and down the beach when most wanted to walk, swim, lay on the sand (very hazardous with these louts) or beach fish. One morning we were all woken up by a bunch of yobs who had got bogged on an in-coming tide and expected us to take our vehicles down and tow him out - guess helpers. The had to wait for a Ranger to turn up who did eventually pull the vehicle out on the new low tide and it got impounded (big signs all around saying not to drive on beach/dunes etc as they were being restored)
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia