Whatever Tomato I plant it always ends up as a cherry Tom. Looking at planting some in next week or 2. Mostly I dry my own seeds.
Neighbour gave me some beautiful Black Russian toms last year. They were nice. May put some of them in.
Thinned out my strawberries and rhubarb and planted the thinnings two weeks ago. Both of these plants are weeds with great product.
My lemonade tree finally fruited this year. Been havin at least one per day for last week or so. Probably got about 2 weeks left.
Got gooseberries, blackberries and raspberries plus 2 apples, a nectarine, a fig, a quince, and a peach tree. This year only fruit not nicked by the birds was fig.
Pumpkins do fine here but I forgot to dry some seeds out this year. I have some self sown spuds that will be ready closer to Xmas.
Been doing all this for 7 years now. Never had had a decent garden before. One of the joys of retirement.
We were given a Thermomix a few years ago. Makes the best, jams, chutneys, and spreads from excess (or cheap) fruit.
Our tommies have been producing all year. not ripening real well this time of the year but we simply pick them and bring them into the windowsill and they ripen in 2 days.
My passionfruit is finally holding its fruit. It is laden but most were shrivelling & falling off before maturity. Lots of water & fertiliser seemed to fix that.
Tons of limes on the Tahitian lime tree too.
Even the potted Orange is flowering for the first time.
Time to plant some Carolina Reaper Chilli seeds too.
I have given up with the vegie garden in North East Victoria. Since our far sighted Government stopped the baiting program for Queensland fruit fly, there is no point as each season the fruit fly gets worse! Tried everything from expensive shop bought traps to home made traps. I love vine ripened home grown tomatoes, but 2 years ago, I didn't get one because of the fruit fly!
I have given up with the vegie garden in North East Victoria. Since our far sighted Government stopped the baiting program for Queensland fruit fly, there is no point as each season the fruit fly gets worse! Tried everything from expensive shop bought traps to home made traps. I love vine ripened home grown tomatoes, but 2 years ago, I didn't get one because of the fruit fly!
Just put a fruit fly exclusion net over them - also protects from all other grubs and birds, stops sunburn, reduces watering and allows you to leave the fruit on the vine till ready to eat.
Lucky people - in Perth its sooooo wet ad really windy that we have had to nail adult trees down to the ground to stop them blowing away and I wouldn't attempt to plant anything outside at the moment. Havent mowed the grass in 3 months and even the fruit trees are not showing any signs of budding yet
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia
Hi All, we are already picking tomatoes - we moved to Queensland recently and the previous owner obviously had tomatoes - and they grew by themselves... Brilliant - the taste of home grown tomatoes are to die for.... Jay-Jay