All our umbrellas (cheap & nasty, freebie with advertising, small foldable, posh dress ones) have all failed in recent months. Only got a very old golf umbrella of my mum's left and I'm guessing that's nearing it's use-by date. My late father's umbrella of same vintage fell apart years ago.
Anyone got a favourite umbrella (brand, type, size) they care to mention?
I still have a couple of $5 US ones that I picked up on a rainy day at a footpath shop while waiting for a tour bus in New York on a suddenly rainy & cold day. About 5 years ago.
$1 a year is good value I think.
ps. Waste of money though as they issued us with free rain capes as we got on the bus.
RustyD I've got a Callaway umbrella which I only use for golf, it has a flap at the top that releases the air pressure in a strong gust of wind. Great umbrella but it's just a bit too large to make it practical for everyday use - like any golf accessory with a manufacturers name on it it was over priced, in reality you could probably buy 10 that would do the same job for what I paid for this one.
I never go on the golf course without my large golf umbrella. Of course I hope I do not have to use it.
I generally play twice a week when at home base.
We have a saying in the golfing game.