Wyllie Park was closed down some years back because of bad behaviour , It was turn from overnight to day only with gates lock at night , the local council gave it another shot and open it up for 18 month trail, This tail fail has same troubles returned , Its has now closed these are some of the problems with free camp close to town .
Hi mate, Just adding my 2 cents worth about my experience with the going ons' in free camps close to a towns.. A few words of warning"STAY AWAY from them" where ever possible.
My experience with free camps close to a town vary on my trip on the 'Loop Road' around OZ.. But over all these camps are bad news for any traveller seeking refuge and a quiet place to sleep before heading out in the morning.
It seems that on many occasions for me at least, things seemed OK up until about 11pm, then the fun really began. The local hoons who often frequent these free camps turned up with their 'Boom Boxes', cartons of beer and foul language. Before long their friendly laughter turned into angry fighting and the camp turned into a real circus. Many occasions I have feared for myself & my camper's as highly intoxicated youths have their high powered cars doing dangerous donuts and fast accelerations leaving me lying awake all night waiting for the dawn to come, "to these I say, GET A HAIRCUT!! GET A LIFE or GET LOST. Gwynnie@matildatraveller
'The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.' - Thomas Szasz
Home Hill comfort stop has been having the same problem from time to time , Free camps out of towns will still survive but ones in town will become rare has locals get sick of the trouble they bring .
cannot c any local residents being annoyed by generators because they r nowhere near the park to hear them. A university is being built across the road. Wonder if this has been earmarked for something else or if it will remain a park? Ah, with the sands of time, we will eventually find out. I wonder if road accidents will increase because people were forced to drive on when tired. Free camps are few n far between. With around 50 a night there, there will be some very weary travellers Now. such a shame.
-- Edited by the rocket on Friday 4th of August 2017 07:39:01 AM
cannot c any local residents being annoyed by generators because they r nowhere near the park to hear them. A university is being built across the road. Wonder if this has been earmarked for something else or if it will remain a park? Ah, with the sands of time, we will eventually find out. I wonder if road accidents will increase because people were forced to drive on when tired. Free camps are few n far between. With around 50 a night there, there will be some very weary travellers Now. such a shame.
-- Edited by the rocket on Friday 4th of August 2017 07:39:01 AM
If you need to rest, no one can move you on. The rules of the road state that if you need to rest [ not camping] you must pull over and take a rest. That is day or night.
I know police offers in NSW and they told me that they will not move any one on that are resting.