Does anyone know of a good, and safe place to stop in Broken Hill for a few days ?
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
Overland Corner below the old historic pub & further down on the riverbank. We really enjoyed it there for a few days each direction on the way to Renmark & return about 4 years ago.
It was free camping back then so would be still low cost I would think. - there were no facilities except for the pub which also had good meals & drinks
We are from Tassie & will certainly stay there again when passing that way.
Thanks so much.
We have decided to travel from Mildura where we are now to Renmark ... is overland Corner on the road from Mildura to Renmark ??
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
The parks and showground are perfectly safe places to camp in Broken Hill. There is no violent crime in any of them. There however is a lot of opportunistic theft (as there is in many other similar places.) The tea-leaves do not force entry but will enter locked vans when no one is observing the door. This includes the first few hours after retiring. Many people reckon they will awake when an intruder enters their van. However when they go into the deep sleep you get into when you first go to sleep they don't wake. I saw one instance where the male was asleep and his wife ducked over to the dunny. An intruder entered the van in those couple of minutes and grabbed her wallet without waking her husband.
When any of those towns lock the door when no one is in sight of it. We have been to many of those places and have not suffered any pilfering where those around us have been entered and lost valuables. The offenders wait for an hour of so after the lights go out and make their strike.
I know it's a bit of a pain having to be so security conscious but we do not let it get to us. We still enjoy those places even though we have to be careful.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Realise you have changed direction now but if you ever go to Broken Hill the Broken Hill Racecourse is excellent. Only 5 mins from town with lovely grassy sites & plenty of room to move. The caretakers on site are very helpful & it's safe to leave the van while you go & explore Broken Hill. There is power & water with new toilets (very clean). They were putting in showers when we were there in July. The trotters train a couple of morning/afternoons a week which is good to watch. It was $25 a night at the Racecourse compared to the van park we first stayed in on arriving at Broken Hill which was $38 pn. The site at the van park was so small we couldn't put our awning out & amenities were very old.
Thanks everyone, we changed our route. I guess we are over nervous after getting both our new bikes robbed in Moree. We replaced them now [not insured though], and bought an range of locks now, which is probably over the top.
We now have locks for THE PIN/TOW BALL/INDIVIDUAL LOCKS FOR BOTH BIKES/ALARM LOCK WIRE SYSTEM, so lets see how we go.. The Thule locks on the bike rack can be fairly easily pulled apart if not tightened up, so we cant rely on that for the bikes; its a great system but not fool proof...
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank