The local's are crying up in Broome, Tourism down 25%
Laurene Young is distraught as she watches security guards cart away the last boxes of stock from her closed-down jewellery store, now adorned with a large red banner reading: "Another Broome business taken from us. Save our town."
Too much dept !! I would say ?? I remember not too long ago travelers be treated badly . Just turned away when entering town etc . So this is also a reflection of the way they have been treated . Don't bite the hand that feeds you . I must say Broom is hardly the first place I would go to buy jewellery ?
. I must say Broom is hardly the first place I would go to buy jewellery ?
The shop, Anastasia's Family Jewellers, sold pearls . . snip
It's the pearls that the tourists go there for. Way back when we were there every second shop seemed to be peddling pearls. Maybe you don't wear them Jim!
-- Edited by PeterD on Wednesday 26th of July 2017 10:57:28 AM
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
My daughter & hubby have just gone to Bali from Melbourne to Perth (domestic) and then onto Bali. Cheap to get to Bali and cheaper to stay there. I'm guessing Broome is not really a viable option unless you are doing the big loop.
. I must say Broom is hardly the first place I would go to buy jewellery ?
The shop, Anastasia's Family Jewellers, sold pearls . . snip
It's the pearls that the tourists go there for. Way back when we were there every second shop seemed to be peddling pearls. Maybe you don't wear them Jim!
-- Edited by PeterD on Wednesday 26th of July 2017 10:57:28 AM
No. I can't say I've ever worn Pearls, don't Reckon they would go well around a camp fire. LOL
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
People in Broome can thank the greedy caravan parks for the down turn in business in the town. The greedy council, whoes mayor owns a caravan park implement rules that favour the van parks, and will not allow low cost camping.
The people of Broome need to vote this grub out of the council.
We stayed at the gun club in 2008. The only place to park up in our camper trailer $44 P/N back then. Stayed 2 nights too long. They treated everyone like the dirt under their fingernails.
I would not go back, even if they offered free sites.
What go's around comes around.
There's a lot more of Australia out the back.
Jim & Lambie
-- Edited by Hey Jim on Wednesday 26th of July 2017 01:09:54 PM
Yep, gotta agree with you there Jim, when we pulled in there with our old caravan, you should have seen the looks we got, "Ya not parking that thing in here"
Spent all day driving around looking for somewhere to camp, "not a hope" , so at 5.00pm we had no choice but to head inland 150 km to the first camp site beside the highway.
We will Never go back to that over priced, over stated, ripoff town again.
Apart for the pretty blue water to look at, what else is there to do, Ya can't go swimming because of a the sharks, crocs , and jelly fish ?????
The town its self was dirty, over crowded with very limited parking, the birds in the information joint had a look on their faces that said, "don't ask me I'm sick of stupid questions" !!!
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
I lived in Broome for 2 years Paid $200 a week + power in a cp Prices in Bunnings, coles and woolworths the same as perth I worked in the mechanical trade, tourism and at the horse track People in Broome are very friendly. It is a magical area to get to know The Kimberley holds a special spot in my heart cheers blaze
thins to do
swim, nearly all year round
horse races, rodeos ect
sight see (for free)
plenty of paid tourist trip
the oldest lend in australia
sit and watch the mad tourist run raround lke chooks without a head
-- Edited by blaze on Wednesday 26th of July 2017 02:05:22 PM
Yes, and on top of all this I was told the other day that Centrelink had closed it's Office in Meeka, and guess who are flooding over to Geraldton. For me it is only hear say, can anybody back it up?
Many tourist destinations go through a ''boom & bust'' phase. Obviously it's Broome's turn. The businesses that closed were probably looking for a quick dollar. We've been to Norfolk Island which basically relies on tourism for its existence, three times, pre GFC they were going great, post GFC they were on their knees & have had their independence taken over by the Australian Government last year.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Should spent more time at 80 mile beach We got a good discount at Broom CP . We rang ahead. Site right next to beach & pool . From memory ? $35 a night ? We mainly wanted water and dump point .
Goodness me - surely some of you must have some thing positive to say about some thing! Broome's turn today for a kicking. If you actually stopped, absorbed and understood the world from through the eyes of those who live in the places you visit, then you may well take away much more from your travels than simply reinforcing the prejidices you left home with. For those who do nothing but complain about the cost of travel and the "poor reception" they receive at every stop perhaps home is where you should stay.
Goodness me - surely some of you must have some thing positive to say about some thing! Broome's turn today for a kicking. If you actually stopped, absorbed and understood the world from through the eyes of those who live in the places you visit, then you may well take away much more from your travels than simply reinforcing the prejidices you left home with. For those who do nothing but complain about the cost of travel and the "poor reception" they receive at every stop perhaps home is where you should stay.
Get real, no one said anything about "Every stop"
Heaven forbid that look through the eyes of people from Broome. What a crappy outlook
Kevin Kyle
On the road full time with Son and 21 year old cat and 3 year old Manx.
Toyota Landcruiser 100 series V8. Nextgen semi off-roader. 3 120 AH agm batteries, 1KW Solar
The fact remains on our lap Broome was one if about 12 diappointing stops that we wouldnt revisit. Thats over a fast 13 week trip. So no, aint being negative at all, numerous stops were great.
Think being falsely positive about all lications isnt being realistic. One has the right to assess as they see it.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
Operating a caravan park or camping area throughout parts of Australia, (especially in the north of the country) is very challenging. Anyone providing accommodation, cannot choose who they want to stay in there lodgings as this is discrimination, and unfortunately some of these tenants come with a lot of baggage including social and behavioural issues, drugs and alcohol addiction.
I was a regular visitor to Cairns and until I lived here I was unaware of the social issues that are in some of the far northern towns. The caravan parks that are a high standard and therefor more expensive, have a tendency to deter these people.
Some of the rest areas, have been removed due to the vandalism, vagrancy, drug use and other unsociable behaviour.
I often think how much fun we had staying in Canvas tents at Council run parks with no power water on tap etc. But we still paid for camp ground fees, living a very happy lifestyle, what has happened to our society?
Personally, I would prefer to see councils, spending money to assist homeless and less fortunate people, than those of us who have the good fortune of owning a caravan and travelling this great country.
A lot like the West. A lot like the East A lot like the.... etc.
It's ALL Australia.
Just that some suits some more than others.
Dun the West. land and water.
Water (Sailing ok but long legs
and lot's of obstacles under water to look out for.)
From our side of it. I found them greedy. With SOME nice spots.
But East and North suit me better.
ALL of South. TOO COLD.
Oh. I do have some good friends over there.
But they normally come over here to visit.
We'll be flying to Broome in the near future & staying at Birdlife Australia's accommodation facility. The local birdlife is fantastic. We're not really interested in riding on a Camel's back at Sunset or looking at any popular tourist sites in the area. Each to their own.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
We'll be flying to Broome in the near future & staying at Birdlife Australia's accommodation facility. The local birdlife is fantastic. We're not really interested in riding on a Camel's back at Sunset or looking at any popular tourist sites in the area. Each to their own.
That's a great spot out there DD, used to spend a bit of time out there