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Post Info TOPIC: When do you think Australia is full

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When do you think Australia is full

One conversation that is hardly ever started is what do we think Australia's ideal population should be? Nothing to do with racism or what religion etc just a sensible debate as to what population Australia can support. They're talking about 20 million soon and 50 million in so many years. What do people think we should have as an ideal size or have we already passed it? Look forward to peoples thoughts




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dave48 wrote:

 Nothing to do with racism or what religion etc just a sensible debate as to what population Australia can support. 

 I call BS, virtually a link to the headlines in the major media. 




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In the end it will boil down to what the Pollies and the 1% who own 80% of the wealth.

At the moment we have millions of people in poverty and dying from lack of food or drinking water.

We are also told the food the world's farmers produce at present, WILL, feed the whole world.


Is there an answer?






Safe Travels


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This has nothing to do with caravanning so would b better put in the "i digress" section. 



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Too many idiot liberals to have any meaningful conversation about that.


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There will never be an official number, due to the fact (in my opinion), that very few pollies think beyond their next term in office
(Hope that the above line, is not taken as a political statement)

We may as well all pick a number, we think that we will be happy with

As a side note about 40 years ago, the town planner in Perth WA, estimated that the city was good for about one million people, after that there would be problems of water/sewerage vehicle congestion etc

Perth now has over this number (I think), it is very congestive, and they have been trying to steal our water from the south, as they are fast depleting the water from the north of the city

I personally have no problem with immigration, providing that the immigrant tries to assimilate to our culture
smile (I yam a pommie by birth, and I yam an aussie by pasteurisation) smile

Hope that the above two lines are not taken out of context, as a racial slur





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Back in the 1970s, I vaguely remember that 25 million was touted then 40 million in the 1980s. The biggest limit was water, mainly for agriculture to feed the population. We are doing better these days. The Ord river scheme was started to make use of a lot of wasted water. It didn't work initially but I believe it's going gangbusters these days. Feeding the hordes to the North-West.

Of all the services you have to your house, what is the one that you cannot live without? Water!! Phone, radio, electricity, gas can all go but the first flush of the loo or needing a drink and it's water that you miss. Remember that the Arabs were looking for water when they discovered oil. Lots of African wars are being fought over water.


Centrelink - Living the Dream.

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I just thought that with all the problems we've got with clogged roads, real estate prices going through the roof , some people never being able to afford a house and heaps of other problems.Wouldn't it be time to pause the immigration and decide what population is ideal. Or am I being naive. Dave



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I reckon there has to be a limit on the big capital cities sprawl. Australian cities are going outwards, not upwards. There are some urban planners say we need some more high rise in major cities. I did a few business trips to Singapore, Tokyo, Seoul & Taipei. Surprisingly I didn't feel as claustrophobic with all the big high rises and I do in the urban sprawl East of Melbourne.

If you can imagine about 30 acres divided up into 3x3 squares (like side of a rubic cube). There was a high rise on the 8 outer squares and a brilliant park in the middle. At street level in some the high rises were shops. Within walking distance was either a bus stop or a subway. Some high rises were built over train / bus stations. Never needed a car. There was never anywhere to park one in any case.

I suspect that at least Melbourne & Sydney will have to go that way. We associate high rises with either very rich people or public housing. We need to change that mentality as Joe Average needs to live there too. Reduces road network, need to travel less & hence the may have a positive effect our carbon issue.


Centrelink - Living the Dream.


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Still think to stop importing\Breeding.
Equating to LESS people.

Would be a much better solution.

See if this one stay here hey.

Pity they don't talk about "culling" Humans.
The way they do about Animals.

We're the more destructive species.
and worth less in the run of things.


Off to bed. see if?.

-- Edited by macka17 on Friday 21st of July 2017 06:08:50 AM



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My personaI opinion is that if there's no work here to support imagration then it's only a burden on the tax payer,and when we do need to bring people into to our overly generous and great country ,bring people in that want ta assimulate and be one of us..

-- Edited by Ron-D on Friday 21st of July 2017 08:21:56 AM



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Verrrrrrrry Subtle Ron.

Me. I'm a lot blunter. Chuckle.

Some don't like.

As the saying goes.



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When there is a Aldi in Windorah



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I am not going to comment on the rights and wrongs of Australia's current immigration policy but to put the argument on size into some perspective. I am currently on an island that in area is half the size of Flinders Island, there is a population of around 1.5 million people with the vast majority living at one end. It only rains a few days a year and their natural spring water got to a point where it could no longer support the population so they built 4 desalination plants. They import almost all of their food as nothing much grows here other than date palms and probably some camels but I'm still able to buy exactly the same products as I can buy in any supermarket back home. There is more development happening here than any city in Oz and it's citizens get to retire after only 20 years of work regardless of their age. So how many people can Australia support - probably lots providing the federal government provided the funds to the States that enabled them to build the infrastructure that is needed to support the extra population. The issue today is that successive federal governments increase the immigration numbers and don't then provide the adequate funding, places like Sydney and Melbourne end up struggling trying to cope with them.  Does Australia need more people to come there that's a completely different argument ?

By the way Bahrain is a Muslim country and to my surprise people have been open, friendly and have made me feel completely welcome regardless of my obvious western appearance. I'm going to try and drive the 20 odd kms across the causeway into Saudi Arabia today but I don't like my chances of getting in (apparently they can be a little less welcoming) They tell me that there is a McDonalds on an island half way over so I'm going to check it out ? Sorry Rocket in order to get this thread back on line with the General topic - I haven't seen too many caravans or CPs around the place but as it's 40+deg every day with the odd sandstorm it's probably keeping the 40 year old retirees at home biggrinbiggrin.

Stay safe guys



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The Master

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What is the population at the moment. I haven't counted lately.


Happy Wanderer    

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If your doing a head count . Halve the Victorian count .. lol

Whats out there


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Hi Marj

It took me a few hrs and I think I made no mistakes

In 2016 we had 24.13 million people
And there are 1300 ant species known in Australia ( I tough I put this in as well, and as Doug would say I tell you that for free )

Cheers John


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Consider that there are more than 24.13 million people in one city, Sao Paulo in Brazil, with probably a greater ethnic diversity than we have in Australia, then consider the internet is free and reconsider the original question! Sao Paulo is actually a frightening city to visit, I hope Australia never gets that full!



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But most of those places are not. really Civilised,
As we know them. City's.
with family spaces as we know.

More the ANT style of living.
I.E. on top of each other.

and look at their "average" living standards.

We've been to Egypt. Peru. Santiago. Mexico city. Thailand\Phuket. etc. etc.
Plus US. Canada and a lot of Western European city's.

They just, basically. Breeding ants. disguised as humans. in some of those places.
I'd hate to go to China.

Maybe appearing "Happy" BUT.
NOT knowing anything else in their lives.

No comparison.
IF you want people to live a "civilised" normal. Life. believe me.

What WE have lived and worked for.
For the last 100 yrs and more.

And current politicians are falling over themselves. Giving it all away.
To the ants.

Sorry. Just My thorts on it. Right or wrong.


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macka17 wrote:

Sorry. Just My thorts on it. Right or wrong.".

 Fair enough Macka, we are all entitled to have our own

Although with all the political correctness and anti discrimination that's going around it's getting harder to express them without being shouted

I'm not saying I agree or disagree with your thoughts, just that I respect that fact that you are entitled to have them.




 "Two people looked out from behind closed bars. One saw the mud, the other the stars."

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Well where I live the population is 3682 and room for more if you like -2 winters and 40+ summers.

Just moved here in June this year.

A country can support it's population on any scale if properly managed, Australia just needs good management something we sadly lack.




Cheers from Vince



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Hi Vince

No traffic lights to deal with that's good
Hervey bay was nearly like that 25 years ago
You must see it now

Cheers John



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The more people we can get here and working and paying tax will make our pension secure .



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brickies wrote:

The more people we can get here and working and paying tax will make our pension secure .

 ..... or the more pensions we have to pay out, making our pensions less secure ????????? Depends on what spiel the pollies want to sprout!

Cheers, John.


"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."


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But my cup is half full



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brickies wrote:

The more people we can get here and working and paying tax will make our pension secure .

 And, may I ask, what jobs will they do?



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Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland


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brickies wrote:

But my cup is half full

 I don't have a cup.... I drink out the bottle. biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

Cheers, John.


"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."

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