Yes thanks all for your input. Yes the Biggenden bakery is in a newer ptemises closer to the pub. The best pies lol regardless of Belmont Bears view ha!.
That Colac ned kelly one seems the go and Apollo Bay bakery is on the list.
Be nice... if I wanted my school teacher here I would have invited him...
Hi guys, I've completed the "big loop' around OZ tasting pepper pies and can honestly report that the best pepper pie can be found at HOPETOUN ( not Hopetown) in WA. This little known town west of Esperance can take a well earned bow in my extensive experience of pie tasting. A lovely little coastal village with a great RV free camp is well worth the detour!!! Gwynnue @ matildatraveller.
'The self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.' - Thomas Szasz
Yes thanks all for your input. Yes the Biggenden bakery is in a newer ptemises closer to the pub. The best pies lol regardless of Belmont Bears view ha!. That Colac ned kelly one seems the go and Apollo Bay bakery is on the list.
They are in where the old doctors surgery used to be which is now up at the hospital.
Got a long chunky pie by mistake last year. In a petrol station and asked for a sausage roll. Don't think the Indians knew exactly what a sausage roll was and I was given the long chunky pie that I didn't notice until I was driving off. Decided to eat it anyway. It was beautiful and I've had the odd 1 or 3 since.
Many bakeries in country WA. One that comes to mind is the bakery at Bakers Hill on the Gt Eastern Hwy about an hour out of Perth would be one of the best anywhere in Aus. If you can wait a bit longer for a bakery travelling east then the Bakery at Merredin is not bad. Try the bakery at Leonora on the Goldfields Road north of Kalgoorlie but be early. I could go on!
Hi, I have recently been to the Birdsville Bakery and they did not really impress, they cater for those with the more exotic palette such as their famous 'Camel Pie'. No accounting for taste I guess. I almost ran into a 'rabid wild camel' which was racing towards my van at great speed (near the Mount Curtis camp site near Alice Springs!!!) A narrow escape I mightr add as he was heading somewhere at full speed...... Gwynnie @ matildatraveller
Hi, I have recently been to the Birdsville Bakery and they did not really impress, they cater for those with the more exotic palette such as their famous 'Camel Pie'. No accounting for taste I guess. I almost ran into a 'rabid wild camel' which was racing towards my van at great speed (near the Mount Curtis camp site near Alice Springs!!!) A narrow escape I mightr add as he was heading somewhere at full speed...... Gwynnie @ matildatraveller
Perhaps you're right, but it's a bloody long way to a better bakery. Nothing wrong with camel meat either.
Which reminds me of the Pie place on the Stuart Highway, perhaps at Larrimah. Hard to miss because of the big black & white cow on the west side of the road. They mightn't have the best pies but they do have a great range of 'road kill' fillings including, Camel, Croc, Emu etc. I don't think that I saw Dog or Cat on the menu though. If I remember I will make a list when we drop in early next year. We usually stop there to stretch our legs & try their wares.