A lot of named items carry others items inside of.
Even those super TESLA battery's are mainly chockers with Panasonic 18650
Li-Ion cells that we run the majority of LED torches with
Sanyo. Sony. LG, etc. Mostly run on Panasonic cells
Even the custom hand built units, Just better soldering and packing is all.
.Same as those E Bikes too, (I believe around 50 of them in there).
A lot of us get ex Laptop battery Packs and strip them.
Most have Panasonic or LG 18650 Flat tops in there. 6 or 8 off.
18650,s run near half the worlds "Rechargable" battery powered items nowadays,
It's an interesting read.
Todays modern mobile power designs and supplies of.
Bugger now I'm going to have to open one up for a look got one down the shed too .
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)