I was wondering where that went just post it to me please boys
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Just for a moment, stop & think ... what would you do if you found it?
Spend it? There are requirements to report large cash transactions, I think. So the authorities might soon be knocking on your door. What about the reaction of those who 'lost' it. Would they come knocking.
Hand it into Police. If not claimed after a certain time does it all or a % revert to you? or would it be all confiscated as proceeds of crime et al.
Perhaps take a bit (say $100k) off the top before handing it in?
Hmmmm, Seems a little lite on the left side of the case IMO Im sure it could hold another 400 odd in that end, without trying. Its a percentage thing I guest.
How dose one find these cases just lying around in a warehouse in the first place.
First there was the metal detector from Mine Lab.
Can anyone tell me if they have invented a Cash detector? I will buy one myself.