Diesel heaters. In this country. With what you idiots do. (Go down there in the beginning)
Is the most practical option.
Canada clothing.
Detriot is BELOW a lot of Canada, Sorry mate. I vasit My Brother there at least every second yr.
Last trip I was out for a walk. with "outside" temp just sitting on -20 and dropping. Late arvo.
They have almost a ROOM for the heater (Heat pump-Ducted) over there. I've been down to near minus 40 in Winter season. In Northern Alaska. When young on the Pipeline's ('65\'66ish) Not laying. just Maint crews for CJB's. Checking valves etc.
Was interesting. Mate was line engineer, Got me perks (Cash in hand)
-- Edited by macka17 on Sunday 25th of June 2017 05:30:57 PM
Adreamer a Donna is like Madonna but much warmer . Donna is a very friendly and warm person , see hint # 3
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)
Think maybe you've spent too much time in Canada mate. Starting to sound like one....eh? (Inside joke which will make sense only to someone who's been to Canada)
As an expat Canadian, arrived in 1960.....I can tell you, beware buying Canadian winter clothing for here. On a long past trip I learnt their winter stuff is now often temperature rated. Minus 10 or 20, 30 etc. I made the mistake of buying a Hudson Bay jacket on one trip more to satisfy a long held childhood dream of owning one than anything else. There's been a small handful of times in 10 to 15 years where I could actually use it without passing out from heat exhaustion.
I would suggest, if you have the opportunity, you find some of their Fall, (Autumn) clothing. These are rated to maybe minus 5. Excellent for use here.
There Comes a time in life, when you must walk away from all drama and the people who create it.
Hi, just returned from the Flinders Ranges. Freezing at night! We had minus 4 one night. We had a doona, blanket and then a hand knitted wool lined blanket, we wore trackies and socks and at 4-6 am you are still cold. Every time you move the bedding is cold except exactly where you were lying. A beanie is good too if you don't like blankets on your face. I don't really have an answer, but be prepared as best you can. I will be adding a gas or deisel heater before going to that part of the world in winter again. BTW the days were perfect for hiking....18 c
Would you please describe your "footbox" and how you fasten it. I regularly kick the bottom of the bedding out and the weight of that pulls the rest of the bedding down the bed. There is no room to put a bed end on the bed to hold the blankets etc..