I have seen people using standard pvc tube attached to their vans to store long poles etc. They usually have screwed ends. Where can I buy these.
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
AND Don't put lockable end caps etc on them. Thinking you have security. Any long tooth Hacksaw\wood saw. Will slice through them in half a doz strokes.
You seriously want security in them. You have to play with internal steel rods and padlocks on ends of. Don't leave your good rods in there.
ALL my travelling rods nowadays are multisectional. bloody expensive units.
Oh I got a good one in emails today.
Look away Greenies.......
-- Edited by Webmaster on Sunday 18th of June 2017 08:28:00 PM
What are and are they available in various diameters ?
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
Avan Ovation M7 with Fiat Ducato 3 Lire diesel engine, 2 x 160watt rooftop solar panels, 3 x 100a/h batteries, self contained with separate toilet [SOG NO CHEMICALS], and shower, 100 litre fresh water tank and 100 litre grey water tank
Get the "Pressure" piping. it thicker walled.
And some pipe glue\cleaner as well.
Blank end. Threaded end. and screw cap.
Just remember. NOTHING valuable in there. They ain't security by a long way. No matter WHAT locks you put on the ends.
We used to make some up in Fourby's Campers etc.
Length of roof. 4in dia normally. Painted MATT Black.
Blank end . with 90 Deg bend on other with screwcap for top.
Drill hole to suit in Blanker. Adhesive a tap into with bend on it.
Shower rose. Does several, plus hot water for dishes.
Can use 6in dia. BUT weight. Hmm.
Rods one side of rack. shower water t'other.
Civilised hey. Just check water temp b4 stepping under OK.
CAN get pretty hot.
The biggest problem I found with those pole carriers was that, when I first used mine to carry fishing rods, the movement of travel, caused the rods to slide from end to end and broke the tips off the rods,
I now use a foam can/ stubbie holder over the rod ends,=== problem solved
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
The best PVC is the thick walled stuff they use for sewer. A bit more expensive but much stronger than stormwater grade. Check out the difference before you purchase.
AND Don't put lockable end caps etc on them. Thinking you have security. Any long tooth Hacksaw\wood saw. Will slice through them in half a doz strokes.
My one has a hasp & staple to keep it closed. I use a cheap pad lock on it even though I know two pop rivets are easily overcome. You need something to secure the hasp, if I use a simple clip the passing ferals simply whip the clip off just for fun. they can't do that with a pad lock.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Threaded end - https://www.bunnings.com.au/holman-150mm-pvc-dwv-threaded-access-coupling_p4760087
Cap - https://www.bunnings.com.au/holman-150mm-pvc-dwv-threaded-access-cap_p4770363
I tried that. The first time it was economical. The second time (next van) getting a made up one from a caravan place was cheaper. Do your homework before purchasing the bits.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
As mentioned by Kevin 150mm sewer pipe is extra strong but the ordinary storm water will do the job. Bunnings is very expensive for piping. I went to our local builders hardware and they just cut me the 2.1 m lenth of 150mm I needed and charged me $12. Two end caps. Glue one end and leave the other end a push fit.Drill 5/8" holes in the cap 180 deg opposed and in the through the other,weld a washer on the end of a 1/2" rod and a hole for a small padlock through the other end. Heaps cheaper than a threaded collar and cap. Total cost less than $20.If you are going to use a threaded collar and cap drill through and use the rod to secure the screw on cap.