Should put a gate on the province and make Prince Leonard apply for a passport to enter"Australia". He won't pay tax but presumably uses Australia's roads & services paid for by us taxpayers.
From what I saw when visiting the province 3 years ago, they would have no hope of paying this tax bill. If they sold up and moved on the area would lose a unique and valuable tourist destination.
We camped a night at Hutt River Province - a great afternoon and night. Prince Leonard showed us the chapel built for his late wife, and Prince Graham showed us their currency and stamped passports or provided a visa for our visit to the Province - as Hako (Dennis) says - a unique and valuable tourist destination. Prince Graham told of how the Province came to be - a very information talk it was, we then met Prince Leonard, who gave us a tour of his museum, containing memorabilia of his ambassadors all over the world - include ng the late Steve Irwin. He has also had many, many wonderful people visit the Province - some of whom would surprise you - I'll let you find that out for yourselves.
If you are in the area - go and visit - you will be made most welcome.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
I'm in the same boat Tony, been past the entrance a heap of times on the way to Kalbarri. But as yet, never turned in,
No you won't see the sign from the Highway, as You have to turn off at Northhampton and head out towards the Pink lake for several K.M's, once on this road there is a large turnoff on the right hand side, Ya can't miss it .
I was only reading about the place the other night, cheapest camping anywhere up the coast by a mile. only $5.00 P/N without power of course,
I think we may drop in there this trip, on the way to see the Wildflowers, that is if we get any rain , and the Flowers come out this year ???
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
I remember in NSW that there was a similar situation with King Ron who had a property out of Penrith, near Warragamba. He drove the ATO, local council and most Govt Depts nuts for years. He ran some brilliant arguments in court matters, always unrepresented and always extremely courteous to everyone, even the opposition. I think he died before the ATO finished him off.
When you look at some of the elected clowns that we have in Canberra, is he so bad?
The navigator & i are regular visitors to our province, we travel overseas on our Hutt River passports once we get out of Australia as the gumbyment wont recognise these passports.
When you visit & read the history you will better understand why he took the path he did.
The government cannot give anything to anybody that the Government does not first take from somebody else.
The navigator & i are regular visitors to our province, we travel overseas on our Hutt River passports once we get out of Australia as the gumbyment wont recognise these passports. When you visit & read the history you will better understand why he took the path he did.
I wonder how many citizens they have. I've never been but must put it on my list.
Well worth the visit - and the family are very up with the laws of Australia. Price Leonard is a Rhodes Scholar, and he says that the Australian Constitution is so shot full of holes, it may well have been written by a schoolboy.
I think it is only the family who are citizens of Hutt River Province.
I salute Prince Leonard for taking a stand against a ridiculous situation.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Further to the "clowns in Canberra" - what about all of the parties in Qld?? They bank on only being in for one/two terms at the most & stuff it up big time!
They all care about the precious SE corner & stuff the rest. I was not in favour of having a separate state but have certainly changed my mind in recent years. The biggest issue - the SE corner houses most of the pollies & they WON'T let the north separate as it would cut their finances off!
I agree with most of the members above that the HRP certainly adds a unique slant to WA's tourism. We visited there in the early 80s & were made to feel quite welcome.
If I remember the constituents are all from Prince Leonard's family & it started out due to a fight over taxation.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!