The WA State Govt has just announced this week is looking at a 5 star rating for new caravans - similar to those used in motor vehicles. They are looking at what features makes a caravan safe and of good quality - and they say they are not consulting with the manufacturers yet....units with have to be fit for the purpose and selling price.
Lets hope they don't let it slide and/or get bullied by the makers and that this eventually becomes a national thing with all the States coming on board.
Fingers crossed
Cheers Bruce
The amazing things you see when nomading Australia
The WA State Govt has just announced this week is looking at a 5 star rating for new caravans - similar to those used in motor vehicles. They are looking at what features makes a caravan safe and of good quality - and they say they are not consulting with the manufacturers yet....units with have to be fit for the purpose and selling price.
Lets hope they don't let it slide and/or get bullied by the makers and that this eventually becomes a national thing with all the States coming on board.
Fingers crossed
How would that work?
For vans sold/registered in WA?
I thought that most are manufactured in Victoria.
Make more sense if it was a Fed Govt thing.
Massive and expensive process given the extremely large number of van manufacturers each with a range of models ... plus of course a sprinkle of imports.
Good luck to them I say. A laudable thought bubble perhaps.
I know that when we visited both the Newcastle and Maitland caravan shows the Retreat vans that were on display had been taken from the local dealership to the showground and shown on behalf of the manufacturer. Personally if I was a caravan manufacturer I would be a little concerned about my reputation and even future sales if the display vans were seen to be leaking by possibly hundreds of people during a show. IMHO I would want my best product to be seen by the mulitudes not something I have rushed off a production line just for the occasion..
I just figure that its in every ones interest to find out whose selling an item that will let us down, I believe that if we start to shame them on a forum they will either hitch the socks up or give up on ripping the genuine traveller off. I'm sick of this secrecy of doing the wrong thing to the consumer, if it was for $3.00 I wouldn't be really concerned but we are putting up a large part of our savings to not let them hide behind being not shamed, let put an end to litigation if you are guilty of selling a product that is not only a rip off but not in the interest of the consumers interest. Imagine getting to central OZ and finding you got big problems!!!!. sorry I will get off the high horse and subdue.