Ok, so some forum members have got me interested in this hobby but I dont know where to start.
I joined at the website ok and then downloaded the app but it wouldnt let me sign in. Said the user name was already in use. Well der, thats me! So, I dont know how to sort that.
I obviously need a GPS which I have never used before. Can someone give me rundown please and also suggest the best one to download to my iphone?
Also, until we get a bus and hit the road I am going to be living out in the bush with no phone reception so will it still work? Maybe thats a moot point anyway as there probably arent any caches where I am going and might all be in Alice.
Anyway, I would just like more info about the whole caper please. Maybe someone would be kind enough to write up a walk through of the proceedure starting at "We arrived in Upperkumbuckta West and...."
Next you need to think about how you want to address this hobby. You can be a paid member ($30.00 approximately, per year, or pay nothing = but you don't get as much information or caches) I think it is a pretty cheap hobby at $30.00 per year/ This hobby is world wide, so you can take your hobby anywhere in the world and continue to cache.
For better caching experience you need to have a half decent hand held device. WE have a Garmin Etrex 10, bottom of the range, but it works for us. (around $150.00)
Phone signal is an issue, that is why you need to have a GPS, but you can work with a smart phone. You can download caches when in phone signal area for later use.
Smart phones do not appear to have the accuracy of a GPS unit.
OK, as an example, go to the geocache home page, choose maps, and hone in on "Upperkumbuckta West" where there might be five or six caches. If you click on each cache (which looks like a little box in a green circle, you can read about each cache, check out the hint, find out the difficulty rating, the size of the cache, and previouse cachers logs, to see what they have said. See how many times it has been found recently. If you decide you might like to find this, you can download it to your GPS unit. (If you are working with a smart phone, you can create an off line list.
When you physically arrive at "Upperkumbicta West", using your gps compass, go to the Ground Zero (GZ) and search for the illusive cache. This might be a tiny nano as big as your little fingernail, a lunch box, an ammo tin, or anything in between. In side, there will be at least instructions and a log sheet. Sign the log, and return the cache to its locations.
All I can say is read the web site, and scour for as much information. Learn about how to handle trackables (travel bugs), what to do if something is missing or needs maintenance. Forget about hiding caches until you are experienced. (we have caches since 2013, and have only four hides, but almost 2000 finds.
Fine Elsewhere, I could go on and on, but it is getting late. Take a good look at the website, if something does not make sense, make a note of it, and read up on. Join the forum. if all else fails, send me a PM with your phone number, and I will ring you. There are around 15 million cachers around the world, so always someone close by to help.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!
You will find huge events like this and lots of local smaller ones all around Australia. Events are a great source of information and help to a beginner.
I use a Garmin E Trex 20, and supplement with a free caching app on my android phone. The phone is handy for puzzles caches as it gives co-ordinates for each stage in the form of a puzzle piece on the map and live map for driving directions.
Try starting with Traditional sizes and and one star Difficulty & Terrain. Nothing more frustrating than trying to find a Nano before you develop your caching eyes.
Its a great hobby that takes you to places you would never have visited if not hunting down caches. Have fun.
(the interfaceable one). I has no map and the screen is big enough to read in the quadbike. They are a cuppla hundred bucks. They are very Bare Bones and dont have all the user option etc.
I dont want to rain on your parade but I only ever went Geochaching once and it lead me into a snake infested swamp where I would never have gone if I were doing Geology for work since it was a dangerous place. Would definitely not want to send a youngester into it. Dunno what they were thinking when they set up the cache. I went home. Probably an anomoly but I never tried it again.
And I somehow rather fancy that I'd like to change with Clancy ..
I dont want to rain on your parade but I only ever went Geochaching once and it lead me into a snake infested swamp where I would never have gone if I were doing Geology for work since it was a dangerous place. Would definitely not want to send a youngester into it. Dunno what they were thinking when they set up the cache. I went home. Probably an anomoly but I never tried it again.
Don't worry Muzzlehatch, no rain here. We have been caching since 2013, and only encountered a snake twice. You should never (I repeat rather loudly NEVER) attempt a cache if you feel unsafe, or you feel the area is unsavoury. Having said, that in 4 years or caching, and 2000 finds under our belt, I must say rarely has this occurred. Sorry if your first and only cache ended up in a "snake pit". Give it another go, it is fun.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!