Usual disclaimer that I am absolutely hopeless at cleaning, and have no association with anyone selling anything
I have opened a new topic, as there was a posts in the past, asking how do we clean our vehicles while travelling, but I am unable to find it
In Bunbury there is a company called Sparklers I have used this company today, and I therefore recommend it
My RV was looking a bit grubby, when I purchased it, in 2014
It was now starting to look err... grubbier (2017), as the paint was oxidised, (rub finger over paint, and finger tip turned white)
They quoted $500 for an outside wash, cut and polish
As they could not make the fibreglass sparkle, they gave me $100 back, saying that they were unable to do the job to their standards, they also cleaned inside the cab, free of charge
Below is a link to this company location, as they have branches elsewhere
That's a great idea Tony, we've had cars cleaned/detailed before and know that detailers/car wash places usually do great jobs but I've never thought of getting them to do our van....thought they only did cars.
Ours has never had a good clean for 4 years so I'll check our local mob out tomorrow.
Ours definitely needs doing as we have had a diesel leak with the Pajero from a couple of the hp injector pipes. Gunk everywhere. Had it serviced last week with 4 new pipes and tappets done We are going away for a few days after the long weekend and will be checking if completely fixed. Then ask for help from a flying mate who has a trucking business to wash it for me.