When I place a full 9kg bottle of gas on my B.B.Q. I know that it's good for at least 5 barbies
Last Saturday we were having the usual "Barb & Bitter" when the burners gave a cough and died,
That's funny I thought, maybe a block in the line, when I went to remove the bottle, I found it completely empty, and that was only the third time I had used the B.B.Q since I fitted a full bottle. which I had exchanged at Bunnings. ?????
From now on I will be getting my refills from B.B.Q's Galore, the price is exactly as Bunnings ... $19.95 x 9kg , but at B.B.Q's Galore, you see the bottle being filled and know it's full, I know that they only fill in-date bottles but that's not a problem as my bottles have years of life left in them.
To my way of thinking, we pay enough for gas now, with-out being short changed into the deal !!!
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Refills here in Victoria at those replacement bottle places are now no longer 9kg. Even though the bottles are rated at 9kg, they are not allowed to be filled to the 9kg amount. Explained to me by an irate service person who was annoyed at having to explain it to people! Maximum allowed is 8.5kg! Don't abuse or shoot me down, only relaying that company policy has changed. Sort of like cereal packets getting smaller and charging the same! Yet, the same bottles, refilled at a refilling centre are guaranteed 9kg, if you watch the person doing it and doesn't screw the screw in before the solid stream of gas comes out.
Refills here in Victoria at those replacement bottle places are now no longer 9kg. Even though the bottles are rated at 9kg, they are not allowed to be filled to the 9kg amount. Explained to me by an irate service person who was annoyed at having to explain it to people! Maximum allowed is 8.5kg!
Not abusing you, just putting you straight - straight from the horses mouth. Scroll down to the heading "Why 8.5kg and 3.7kg Refills?"
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Very interesting Peter. That means that the bottle I have which is marked 9kg may in fact hold less. And when I get it refilled I may think I'm getting more than what actually goes in.
I've just decided that I have more things to worry about than a half kilo of gas.
I can't understand how you only get 5 BBQ's out of a bottle???
my 2 bottles last me for the whole 6 or 7 months trip...how many are you cooking for 100 people??!!
I use a 4 burner B.B.Q. ( cooking for three people ) every weekend, come rain hail or shine Wizardofoz,
I suppose your 2 bottles would last you 6 or7 months if they were only used a few times,
Real helpful comment there Brickies !!!
No KJ, I use it at least twice a week and more, plus my stove and oven are also connected to the bottles...same with the one at home, it lasts me 12 months but then again I am only home for the summer and because I live on the beachfront, my bottles rust and the stores refuse to exchange them again even though they are not out dated.
All I can say to your original question is...YES, you are being 'ripped off' big time!!!
-- Edited by Wizardofoz on Wednesday 31st of May 2017 09:22:29 AM
I can't understand how you only get 5 BBQ's out of a bottle???
my 2 bottles last me for the whole 6 or 7 months trip...how many are you cooking for 100 people??!!
I use a 4 burner B.B.Q. ( cooking for three people ) every weekend, come rain hail or shine Wizardofoz,
I suppose your 2 bottles would last you 6 or7 months if they were only used a few times,
Real helpful comment there Brickies !!!
No KJ, I use it at least twice a week and more, plus my stove and oven are also connected to the bottles...same with the one at home, it lasts me 12 months but then again I am only home for the summer and because I live on the beachfront, my bottles rust and the stores refuse to exchange them again even though they are not out dated.
All I can say to your original question is...YES, you are being 'ripped off' big time!!!
-- Edited by Wizardofoz on Wednesday 31st of May 2017 09:22:29 AM
You could do what I did with an old bottle which was out of date by about 15 years, I bought a cheap can of chrome paint from Supercheap, gave the bottle a quick wipe with a wire brush then a spray, looked a treat, then swapped it for a full one ,
This B.B.Q. I have was bought from Bunnings new, maybe that explains why I have only managed to get 5 Barbies per bottle out of it !!!!
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
The bottle I exchanged at Bunnings recently I found that the valve was not seating correctly unless I really over tightened it, I know that because when I finish I always turn the bottle off first until the flame goes out then I shut off the BBQ this time the flame just kept burning with the valve closed. The first time I used the bottle I had difficulty opening the valve because it was shut off so tight - when it runs out I will definately be exchanging it for another one. Maybe you could have also gotten a bottle with a damaged valve seat which allows a slow escape of gas when not shut off tight enough especially if you forgot to close the gas knob on the BBQ all the way - to me that usage still seems to be pretty high even using a 4 burner..
The bottle I exchanged at Bunnings recently I found that the valve was not seating correctly unless I really over tightened it, I know that because when I finish I always turn the bottle off first until the flame goes out then I shut off the BBQ this time the flame just kept burning with the valve closed. The first time I used the bottle I had difficulty opening the valve because it was shut off so tight - when it runs out I will definately be exchanging it for another one. Maybe you could have also gotten a bottle with a damaged valve seat which allows a slow escape of gas when not shut off tight enough especially if you forgot to close the gas knob on the BBQ all the way - to me that usage still seems to be pretty high even using a 4 burner..
Yes, I had thought of there being a slow leak BB, I did change the regulator and hose a short while ago,
I also ( when finished with the B.B.Q ) always turn off the burner farthest from the bottle first, working back to the first burner, which I leave open until I have turned off the gas bottle, I then listen for the POP of the last burner going out, this tells me the whole line is empty of gas and the bottle is properly shut.
I think it's time to give this B.B.Q the old "heave ho" and buy a new one, ( Not from the Green Shed )
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
I reckon you're right KJ, I get a lot more barbies out of my 4kg bottle. I know we're not comparing apples with apples but your bbq seems to be a bit heavy on gas consumption.
May also be a very slow leak from the bottle and if its outdoors the smell of the gas may dissipate very quickly.
KJ if your thinking of replacing your old 4 burner you should consider a Webber Q - for 3 people either the Baby Q or the mid size Q2000 would be big enough. You will get a better result and use a lot less gas, I do a BBQ and a roast once a week on a Q2000 with a 9kg bottle and it probably lasts me 3 months, even longer if I used my BabyQ which is in the van. Other people may recommend similar style different brand BBQs but in my opinion cooking with the lid down is definately the way to go in order to keep in the flavour and save on your gas usage. Don't worry the green shed don't sell Webber anyhow so you would need to go somewhere else to buy one usually to a camping shop like BCF.
Thanks for that BB, Yes I've looked at the Baby Q , they sure are a neat looking unit, and very portably which would be handy in our van as well. Now where did I put that Money sack ?????
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
I have a self made rule not to buy exchange bottles unless Im seriously in the mire for gas, especially from Bunnings.
A mate of mine owns the local hardware, he tells me there is a rule/law/standard someplace that deems 80% fill to be max (I have no clue as to the validity of that). This 80% starts when the white frozen liquid starts to spurt out of the relief valve.
I ask him to fill mine higher so the white spurt is a solid stream. That will do me at least 6 weeks if I use gas in the HWS and cooking on gas. Im told the bottles are tested to way beyond that pressure.
Cheers all, hope you are all thriving.
Ex RAAF, now retired. EX Electrician/Teacher.
Homebase is Murray Bridge Tourist Park (in a cabin). New Horse.. 2020 Ford Everest Titanium, Jayco swan for touring.
Bill its probably because they have to supply non magnetic gas bottles if they didn't they would be too hard to exchange due to the difficulty of getting them apart just kidding those prices are ridiculous.
You have no choice, really. if you want to cook for meals or have a hot shower. I take two emptys to townwhen I go, but the barge, 8 klms, is $140 return, and thats for locals. I supose living on an island on the barrier reef is expected to be expensive. Everything is at least 20% dearer.
Refills here in Victoria at those replacement bottle places are now no longer 9kg. Even though the bottles are rated at 9kg, they are not allowed to be filled to the 9kg amount. Explained to me by an irate service person who was annoyed at having to explain it to people! Maximum allowed is 8.5kg!
I have a self made rule not to buy exchange bottles unless Im seriously in the mire for gas, especially from Bunnings.
A mate of mine owns the local hardware, he tells me there is a rule/law/standard someplace that deems 80% fill to be max (I have no clue as to the validity of that). This 80% starts when the white frozen liquid starts to spurt out of the relief valve.
I ask him to fill mine higher so the white spurt is a solid stream. That will do me at least 6 weeks if I use gas in the HWS and cooking on gas. Im told the bottles are tested to way beyond that pressure.
Cheers all, hope you are all thriving.
The above post from earlier in this thread gives the background to the 85% 'rule' ... click on above.
cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Why can't we with using an adapter just fill up at the petrol station As I believe it's the same gas and at least you can see how many liters you put into the bottle for only 95 cent a liter here
Cheers John
Ps let me know what adapter I need :))
-- Edited by Cruising Cruze on Friday 2nd of June 2017 07:56:40 PM
Why can't we with using an adapter just fill up at the petrol station As I believe it's the same gas and at least you can see how many liters you put into the bottle for only 95 cent a liter here
Sometimes the gas is pure propane but in the cities and large country towns you can get a mixture of propane and butane. If you have butane in the mixture it will mean that the jets in your appliances will be the wrong size.
In addition the filling arrangements of cylinders and auto tanks differ. I believe you can overfill a cylinder with the pumped delivery of the auto pumps.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.