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Post Info TOPIC: Just Not Cricket!

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Just Not Cricket!

Been quiet on the GN site for a while, but I'm prompted to post by a selfish road-hogging RV 'brother'. Was a reasonably large van towed by a Landy, an out-of-stater obviously on tour and feeling cruisey, but there is really no excuse. Courtesy shouldn't be left at the front gate. I guess we joined the line of vehicles behind the rig, about 25 kays south of Margaret River (WA). The whole stretch of road between Karridale and Margaret River township offers very few safe places to pass, with mainly double white lines on the single-lane (each way) run, and oncoming traffic meant no chance at all. The driver of the rig couldn't find it in himself to exceed 80km/hr at any time while we were behind him on this mainly 110 km/hr road and was often down to 50/60 km/hr on hills and rises (towing in 'drive', or high gear?? no ) 

The line-up behind became ever longer. Two excellent sealed-surface parking bays - among others - were passed by us all during the crawl, but the rig driver wasn't prepared to pull in and let the crowd move on.  Finally we managed to lose this selfish twit just north of Margaret River, where decent passing lanes commence. I wish we'd had an opportunity to have a little chat with this character about where his head was at. But sadly we've found that you're often wasting your time trying to deal with such space cadets. We can only hope that some large tattooed truckie somewhere will scare the bejaysus out of the bloke enough to make him have a rethink on his road-hogging philosophy. We've found the amount of time lost offering the courtesy of a pull-over to other road users when necessary is negligible in the scheme of things when on tour.       




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you make a lot of assumptions



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I can understand your frustration. However, would you have felt as frustrated if it had been a heavily loaded B-Double struggling with the load? cry

Do you really think that vehicle would have pulled over into the parking bays just to let the 'train' get past?

Doubt it. To ease frustration it is much easier to 'roll with the conditions' and enjoy the scenery.

The journey is supposed to be what is to be enjoyed - rather than the destination.

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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Hi Jock

Not a lot of "love" here for your post at the moment!

Well I'll go in and bat for you, said driver, selfish and inconsiderate and the driver has probably been like it all his/her life.



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JocknNik wrote:

Been quiet on the GN site for a while, but I'm prompted to post by a selfish road-hogging RV 'brother'. Was a reasonably large van towed by a Landy, an out-of-stater obviously on tour and feeling cruisey, but there is really no excuse. Courtesy shouldn't be left at the front gate. I guess we joined the line of vehicles behind the rig, about 25 kays south of Margaret River (WA). The whole stretch of road between Karridale and Margaret River township offers very few safe places to pass, with mainly double white lines on the single-lane (each way) run, and oncoming traffic meant no chance at all. The driver of the rig couldn't find it in himself to exceed 80km/hr at any time while we were behind him on this mainly 110 km/hr road and was often down to 50/60 km/hr on hills and rises (towing in 'drive', or high gear?? no ) 

The line-up behind became ever longer. Two excellent sealed-surface parking bays - among others - were passed by us all during the crawl, but the rig driver wasn't prepared to pull in and let the crowd move on.  Finally we managed to lose this selfish twit just north of Margaret River, where decent passing lanes commence. I wish we'd had an opportunity to have a little chat with this character about where his head was at. But sadly we've found that you're often wasting your time trying to deal with such space cadets. We can only hope that some large tattooed truckie somewhere will scare the bejaysus out of the bloke enough to make him have a rethink on his road-hogging philosophy. We've found the amount of time lost offering the courtesy of a pull-over to other road users when necessary is negligible in the scheme of things when on tour.       

And sitting on the maximum speed limit you arrived in the next town 3 minutes before he did but he enjoyed the drive & scenery a lot more than you did. Well done mate. 


Cheers Keith & Judy

Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.

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What if he had increased his speed to say 95kph and the got out of control for some reason and rolled or just run off the road would that have made you happy



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Hi all

You must all travel at 80km or less! Why so negative with all your comments!! Next time try pulling over, its not hard, and that way you can enjoy even more of the scenery or maybe even try travelling at, lets say, 30-40 km or less even?

I can see why people leave these forums

cheer, and try and have a good day


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spose you could have pulled into the sealed parking bays,i have done so on more than one occasion,its just not worth the agro,


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In all our years of towing we have NEVER held up a stream of vehicles, always pulling over to let them past. Those of you that blindly cruise along well below the speed limit (and it's OK to do that by the way) should take a look in the mirrors every now and then, and get off in a safe place to let those held up pass. It's not hard. Those who tick along holding up heaps of traffic should consider the feelings of those who legally could be travelling faster. You cause such frustration, give caravaners a bad name, and in holding up long lines of travelers, invite reckless behavior in other drivers. You are a danger on the road as you wander along checking out the scenery. By all means drive slowly, but get off when safe and let others enjoy their trip too. I'm with you JocknNik. Show consideration everybody!


2014 Mazda BT50 towing 2016 Kimberley Kruiser T3.


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Bob - I think you are mistakenly assuming that the comments/responses to Jock indicate that those who responded would be like the vanner that has caused Jock so much angst.

To the contrary, I would suggest. The greater majority of members on this, and other forums, are considerate and thoughtful in how the roads are used. Indeed, it is quite probably because they are members of a forum, that they are more considerate than the general 'run of the mill' vanner. Indeed, most of us have countered the exact scenario as Jock.

That said, I think if you read the responses again, but with your 'other specs' on, you might see that the responses/suggestions have been that, rather than getting all foamy and frothy, one jest lays back and 'rolls with it' and save the blood pressure.

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan

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No blood pressure problems here John. Just stating a point of view. I'm just saying it is not OK to hold up long lines of traffic. Simple.


2014 Mazda BT50 towing 2016 Kimberley Kruiser T3.


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Brownie2 wrote:

No blood pressure problems here John. Just stating a point of view. I'm just saying it is not OK to hold up long lines of traffic. Simple.


confuse Bob and Wanda - I cannot see that anyone who has responded has suggested it WAS OK to hold up long lines of traffic. Have another read of what has been posted - with those 'other specs' on and a slightly more open mind.

Again, I feel you may be misreading, or reading into, the responses.

It is better to remain calm when encountering the wide variety of road conditions we all encounter in our travels rather than getting all foamy and frothy.

Life is too short.jpg

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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Day before yesterday was held up by a Five Metre wide agricultural Machine with two Pilots one front and one rear. Young to Gundagai Road.

Narrow road with few passing places At the time I came up behind it there was no-where for it to stop to allow it to pull over so we just sat there.  Listening in to the Pilots on channel 40

Pilot knew his stuff and was directing the wide load on passing spots to let the convoy past.

Wasn't held up for long as he was doing the considerate thing. When he had a place to stop he did at the first opportunity.


Only Common Sense to stop and let us past.

Less frustration for other road users.


Some on the roads have none and don't give a hoot about holding up other drivers.

If you are slower than other road users don't hold them up find somewhere to let them past. Not rocket science.






Safe Travels


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You do love stiring the pot Mr Rocklizard, me thinks your the one missing the point, maybe you should read "your" replies before hitting the send button


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Maybe this can be the last word on the matter. We have all stated our points of view. Nobody is getting "foamy and frothy", so just accept a point of view John, and leave it at that. Just looking at the mighty Murray before the rains come. Life is good!! Stay safe everyone.


2014 Mazda BT50 towing 2016 Kimberley Kruiser T3.

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What does piss me off is when you do pullover, but keep to your speed say 80/90kls to let them past, thy don't take the opportunity,



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Brownie2 wrote:

Maybe this can be the last word on the matter. We have all stated our points of view. Nobody is getting "foamy and frothy", so just accept a point of view John, and leave it at that. Just looking at the mighty Murray before the rains come. Life is good!! Stay safe everyone.


Bob (and Ian) I know neither of you are getting "foamy or frothy" ..... but the OP seems to have been.

Throughout my responses to this post I have stressed it is far better to remain calm and to 'roll with the conditions' rather than suffering angst because of some inconsiderate motorist one may encounter on our travels.

Let's all be honest - we encounter 'frustrating' drivers and driving conditions daily in our travels. Surely it is better to 'roll with it' rather than feeling angst.

It would be more productive to provide advice to the OP that they can adopt rather than providing "advice" to respondents to the original post.

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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Not sure why the angst re getting held up by a slower vehicle, it happens now and again, we're Grey Nomads, no rush to be anywhere at a specific time, pull over somewhere and have a cuppa, let the traffic clear.

Instead of complaining about being held up, have a think about what you can do to change the situation, you'll arrive at your destination fresher and in a much better frame of mind.

The solution is in your own




Moonta, Copper Coast, South Aust.


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Not looking for any pats on the back here, but we will give the truckies the road as they are on a time table and are working and if there is an impatient caravanner we then let them go thru. We pay our Rego, as a matter pf fact we pay two regos for the right to travel the road.




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Of course it was cricket. It was just a 5 day match.biggrin





Chief one feather

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Very testing game too.

Who said that?


Live Life On Your Terms

DOUG  Chief One Feather  (Losing feathers with age)

TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy

DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV  (with some changes)


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Dougwe wrote:

Very testing game too.

Who said that?



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pleasant method



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Lots of "opinions in there.

Bet he had NSW plates.....

People like that should be taught as few basics.

Either get a tug that can do the job properly. Use a little MORE throttle.
Use the pull overs and smile.
Or use another bloody road.
Talking truckues.
Those dicks in slow vans. Specially on rises and hills.
Have absolutely NO idea how much extra it costs a working man (truckie)
When he has to roll along and accelerate more for longer
because of some idiot that doesn't know how to drive in traffic,
or shouldn't be on the highway.

The SPEED limits ARE there for a reason.
ONE major one of them being traffic flow.

People like THAT DO cause frustration and accidents. regardless off what some say on here.

Go with the flow.

21km's UNDER the limit iS breaking the highways rules.

20km IS ok,----- Legally.

BUT. on main highway with a lot of traffic flowing.
It is NOT really ok. For above reason and others.

If people were to take the time and read Gov't papers on Highway speeds and reasons for.
They may understand a little more.

There are surveys over yrs. to ascertain what speeds most, and least accidents happen. on what areas. and why.
Road surface. conditions. hills\dips. TRAFFIC FLOW, etc.

Then a review team actually change them to suit if necessary.
according to current conditions.

It's long. but interesting, and enlightening.
But on the Highways of the country. The LIFe flow of our country.

Which ARE built primarily for trucking. as we have very little train flow apart from coal\iron.

Cars are Incidental on them.
Basically just a nuisance. I reckon.
When you look at all the other roads in most parts. paralleling the highways.
Use them.
And if on main drag. get off road regularly if going slower than traffic flow.
You ARE cusing reasons for accidents.
through your selfishness.
WHEN there are pull offs. Obviously.

This conversation has gone on for yrs.
Town car drivers pulling vans have no bloody idea. On equal traffic flows.
Nobody will ever win.
Just cause accidents.



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No No Not NSW plates Macka they were maroon in colour, so must have been your kissin' cousins the Toads.





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macka17 wrote:

Lots of "opinions in there.

Bet he had NSW plates.....

People like that should be taught as few basics.

Either get a tug that can do the job properly. Use a little MORE throttle.
Use the pull overs and smile.
Or use another bloody road.
Talking truckues.
Those dicks in slow vans. Specially on rises and hills.
Have absolutely NO idea how much extra it costs a working man (truckie)
When he has to roll along and accelerate more for longer
because of some idiot that doesn't know how to drive in traffic,
or shouldn't be on the highway.

The SPEED limits ARE there for a reason.
ONE major one of them being traffic flow.

People like THAT DO cause frustration and accidents. regardless off what some say on here.

Go with the flow.

21km's UNDER the limit iS breaking the highways rules.

20km IS ok,----- Legally.

BUT. on main highway with a lot of traffic flowing.
It is NOT really ok. For above reason and others.

If people were to take the time and read Gov't papers on Highway speeds and reasons for.
They may understand a little more.

There are surveys over yrs. to ascertain what speeds most, and least accidents happen. on what areas. and why.
Road surface. conditions. hills\dips. TRAFFIC FLOW, etc.

Then a review team actually change them to suit if necessary.
according to current conditions.

It's long. but interesting, and enlightening.
But on the Highways of the country. The LIFe flow of our country.

Which ARE built primarily for trucking. as we have very little train flow apart from coal\iron.

Cars are Incidental on them.
Basically just a nuisance. I reckon.
When you look at all the other roads in most parts. paralleling the highways.
Use them.
And if on main drag. get off road regularly if going slower than traffic flow.
You ARE cusing reasons for accidents.
through your selfishness.
WHEN there are pull offs. Obviously.

This conversation has gone on for yrs.
Town car drivers pulling vans have no bloody idea. On equal traffic flows.
Nobody will ever win.
Just cause accidents.


Another opinion????  a bit extreme I think.   




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We were travelling along the Barrier Hwy from Cobar to Broken Hill one day sitting on a steady 90kph. Another car & caravan overtook us doing 100kph+ & disappeared into the distance. Further down the road they were pulled over & as we passed them we noticed the driver taking a leak. A while later they overtook us again & disappeared into the distance once again. Same as before they were pulled over & the bloke was having a pee. This happened four times & as we pulled into Broken Hill he overtook us for the fifth time just before the 60kph speed sign. A bit like the tortoise & hare story really.


Cheers Keith & Judy

Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.

Trip Reports posted on Go to Forums then Trip Reports.



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ONLY stirring Kebbin. Only stirring.
They all bite.


Can't remember where it is now. but if you look at Highways. Gov't gazette's. and roll through them.
It's quite interesting.

Have a good bottle and a comfortable chair though.

They really do adjust speeds to suit conditions.
Often after the fact.

Plus. If you think about it. NOT really extreme.
Just fact basically.

This HAS been gone over at least 5 times in last ten yrs that I can remember.
Always with same results.

Them that believe. Believe.
The others. Just go on being.
The others.
You can't get past shutters on brick walls.


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Jock, I know that road well and I have suffered at the hands of these ignorant road hogs on this road as well. It is beyond me how anyone can believe that that driving like that is responsible or even friendly to other road users. I note that the WA police are having a crack down on right lane hogs - maybe it's time for a crack down on these mobile road blocks. I feel for you mate 

-- Edited by Ger08 on Thursday 18th of May 2017 06:56:36 PM



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Subaru issues the 80km/h warning under Trailer Towing Tips in owners' manuals: Never exceed 80 km/h (50mph) or the legal speed limit, whichever is lower. Exceeding the speed limit could cause loss of vehicle stability and/or could lead to an accident. All Subaru vehicles are restricted to 80km/h when towing

Macca, according to your version of the road rules anyone using a Suburu as a tow vehicle on a road with a 110kph speed limit would be breaking the law. What are they going to do when travelling the Stuart Highway that has a 130kph speed limit try and find another way round. I believe that people should travel at a speed that maintains the stability of the load and this will vary depending on the conditions i.e. wet weather, road surface, wind etc. Obviously if there is an opportunity to let faster vehicles get past you then the courteous thing would be to let them which I believe most people on this site would endeavour to do.

I agree with Rocky and Santa better to remain calm and wait for the opportunity to get past a slower vehicle rather than getting frustrated and hot under the collar as this may well cause you to make a fatal error.

What have you got some sort of NSW fetish going on Macca as you really like to slip the boot in to us at every opportunity confuse



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