I have often wondered about common sense. On this forum and others, do we all assume that we should have common sense about caravanning? Common sense can be defined as sense that is common among the people doing a common task. Can someone who is new to a task or something like caravanning know al3 the in and outs. Taking someone to task because thay don't know something is not fair. This site is pretty good at helping people but sometimes there is an air of superiority that comes through. Knowledge is something that takes time to learn.
I agree there are many on this and other forums that provide assistance, advice and their experience to queries searching for knowledge.
Thankfully, there only some who are members but don't contribute ... and thankfully, even less who have 'airs' or express 'superiority'.
Even less are unbearable trolls.
Given the actual definition of 'common sense' one does not need actual experience or knowledge......
Word Origin and History for common sense - Originally the power of uniting mentally the impressions conveyed by the five physical senses, thus "ordinary understanding, without which one is foolish or insane" (Latin sensus communis, Greek koine aisthesis); meaning "good sense" is from 1726.
Noun - sound practical judgement that is independent of specialised knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence. Adjective - inspired by or displaying sound practical sense.
So if one accepts that definition ... then one can be successful at a range of things - including caravanning - by applying 'common sense'.
Cheers - but keep asking questions and gaining knowledge - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
As John above has said, we are all born with "ordinary understanding, without which one is foolish or insane" Which is what us modern day folk call Common Sense
I like, and contribute, (where I can) to this forum, as while lurking, I had found that the vast majority of members, are more than willing to share the knowledge they have
In my opinion, no one was actually born, knowing everything about caravans, we all learned what we now know by asking outright, or listening to others
It is sometimes hard for us (none trained scribes) type people, to say exactly what we mean, as the written word has no tone. What a person writes could also be interpreted several different ways, by several different readers
I would never worry if a person came across in the written word, as having airs and graces I would only ever be worried, if someone was to give deliberate, false advice
Hi Robreen, before we started over here 5yrs ago I lurked for a yr or so, and for the information I gleaned from this forum I will all ways be grateful. When we placed the order for our van I joined The Grey Nomads. You just have to sort through the replies , some are informed and some go off on a tangent. You just have to sort through them all.
You soon get to know the members who give good advice.
I have often wondered about common sense. On this forum and others, do we all assume that we should have common sense about caravanning? Common sense can be defined as sense that is common among the people doing a common task. Can someone who is new to a task or something like caravanning know al3 the in and outs. Taking someone to task because thay don't know something is not fair. This site is pretty good at helping people but sometimes there is an air of superiority that comes through. Knowledge is something that takes time to learn.
Regards robert
Sounds like common sense to me.
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
I want to thank everyone who took the time to reply to Robreen question ,all with their great answers.
Even if questions seem really simple and basic to the more experienced camper or vanner ,we cannot assume that these people are silly for asking such a simple question about vanning or camping
The morgorerty of inexperienced people here on the forum just want to learn from the more experienced .
At times i have borked at asking questions for fear of being taken to task , but i have asked them anyway , and my questions have been answered.Thank you everyone.
So ,to all of the inexperienced vanners and campers out there ,don't be frightened to ask your questions ,'cos there will always be someone here to answer them for you.
No such thing as a silly question !! There's some silly answer's at times though ! You have to see where the question is come from ? A van or slid on can be totally different to
Motorhome etc . 3 week trip different to full time .,