Lol.....sorry macca, I would be happy with the fifty if only that was the way it fell......... But yes it is interesting the number of big winners who seem to have blown it in a few years......interesting or sad.....
I Remember It ...............All Too Well
Wherever the four winds blow. I'm restless, I'm ready
You could be right there Macka, What the hell would anyone do with 50 m
with that much in hand, why invest it ? The time I have left, say another 20 years ( with a lot of luck ) means I would still have 2.5 m per year to spend, and that's not counting interest if it was invested !!!!
It's hard enough imagining that much sitting on the kitchen table, say all in $1.00 coins LOL
One things for sure, we would be out of here quick smart, with a brand new 4x4 and Caravan, on the road full time and see every corner of this great Country, "Ah wishful thinking "
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
Lol.....sorry macca, I would be happy with the fifty if only that was the way it fell......... But yes it is interesting the number of big winners who seem to have blown it in a few years......interesting or sad.....
Yep, and there are the ones who have enough already,
Like the old Biddy here in Perth, who won the lottery twice,
When interviewed about her win she said she didn't know what to do with the money,
she still had all of her first winnings sitting in the bank. !!!
I agree with Macks, major prises should be broken up and shared into equal portions for all winners,
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
You have to look at the reason why people gamble or buy Tatts tickets. I can assure you I do not buy a ticket with the intention of sharing it with anybody. I want to win the whole bloody lot and then I will spread it around with who I like. The whole idea for me in buying a ticket is the dream of what I could do with the money, IF I won. If we go down this path we then say that we should not have losers at all. How can multiple winners and be equal? Thats a dead heat! And only happens rarely. If you dont want to win big then go in the smaller tatts lottery prize raffles. Better chances there. Some people already have $5 Million in assets, so limiting the 1st prize to $5M might seem small change. I prefer the thrill of the "hunt". I want the whole bloody lot myself and bugger you all. You are just jealous that you did not win it all yourself. Poor losers I say. Off you go and buy another "losers" ticket. Ha HA!! (Only joking)
-- Edited by dirvine on Friday 12th of May 2017 05:37:43 PM
David Irvine
Tugs: 2016 Discovery 4./2017 Toyota 76 GLX Auto Wagon. Van: New Age Manta Ray Deluxe
John. Don't need to dream mate. Bin there. Dun that. with 98% of where I want to go and do in my lifetime. Don't even use the van or two boats in the yard. Didn't even bother going O\Seas last yr for a coupla, three months like we normally do. Partly through the Pain Management trials and surgery. Some Money's left there. Inclination is waning methinks. You can only go round this country or planet so many times. 12th Dec. 1994. Maybe I retired a little too early hey. Never ever thought I'd still be above the ground by the yr 2000. Had a pretty hectic\hard life at times. Mum died at 98yrs. Damn. (bless her) this li'l old black duck (75) wants to be gon long b4 then. No vegetable in chair or blind bat for Mr Mack thank you. She was physically fit. Blind by 85, and brain went b4 body. Holland is the place. When I can't do anynore.