Macca has told us that he is on medication that affects his thinking process.
He likes to write in and try to help people.
He has a sense of humour.
He is not nasty or spiteful.
He gets off topic and his thoughts wander about all sorts of things.
So what!!
We are adults who should be able to read and enjoy his lucid posts and if he is wandering off topic just leave the post and move on to the next message.
If he annoys you so much you could easily just scroll past any post from him.
Why not show some kindness and control and just go with the flow and enjoy him when you can and ignore him when you cannot.
Onya Macca. Never let the topic get in the way of a good story.
Happy camping to all from Happy
"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within".
Yes I agree100% It is sad that their seems to be too many grumpy old men here that have lost their manners and respect for others and can be downright rude. We are all different and Macka is Very different but never nasty or spitefull, always trying to be helpful, but this is no reason to loose your manners and be rude Nasty and try to Bully Macka to stop posting, this is just not right. Think about this before you post off topic comments attacking Macka. As happy camper said scroll past and don't read if it worries you.
Thanks for reading and show some support for everyone on this forum, we all have our issues, me included.
-- Edited by Bluey1 on Sunday 7th of May 2017 05:30:56 AM
-- Edited by Bluey1 on Sunday 7th of May 2017 05:31:59 AM
Macca has told us that he is on medication that affects his thinking process. Agreed - but so do many others
He likes to write in and try to help people. 100% agree
He has a sense of humour. Agree - often misplaced and not well conveyed but agree
He is not nasty or spiteful. Agreed but he does know how to jibe
He gets off topic and his thoughts wander about all sorts of things. 100% agree
So what!!
We are adults who should be able to read and enjoy his lucid posts and if he is wandering off topic just leave the post and move on to the next message.
If he annoys you so much you could easily just scroll past any post from him.
Why not show some kindness and control and just go with the flow and enjoy him when you can and ignore him when you cannot.
Onya Macca. Never let the topic get in the way of a good story.
Surprisingly, I agree with your comments. However ......... oh dear, why does there always seem to have be an 'however'
However, to say "his lucid posts" is a little kind.
Lucid = 1. easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible: a lucid explanation. 2. characterized by clear perception or understanding; rational: 3. shining or bright. 4. clear; pellucid; transparent.
I can only say again what I said on an earlier post - "I really WANT to read your posts ... but you make it so difficult to gain anything positive from them."
It is SO unfortunate that any genuinely good advice he has is often completely lost on the reader. Either because it is lost in his, what your call "lucid", post ... or members give up reading it because, again as you say, ".....just scroll past any post from him."
It also becomes a trifle trying when one repeatedly gets a complete autobiography when the original post is a question about how to polish the tow ball.
Cheers - John
-- Edited by rockylizard on Sunday 7th of May 2017 08:43:46 AM
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Goooood Morning People... Bad night. sleep in to catch up a bit.
See we still ALL happy campers thank the lord.
Don't worry about me. I've sorted a lot worse than these on here.
I speak my mind. WHEN I think it. No like. Don't read.
You're all completely wasting your typing time and mental thoughts trying to get at me. I have one deaf ear. and dicky eye.
Anything I don't like. Turn head to right and watch birds out the window for a while.
I'm a Pom that came here into Construction in Early '70's. If you couldn't take a lot, including blueing. you didn't last long.
I learnt a lot of decades ago, that aggression. Gets you nothing but dislike from others.
Why bother. life's waaaay too short for that.
Also. As said. I didn't get too much school edification and "sometimes" have a problem stringing words together, with my happy pills. to make them lucid. Sometimes.
"AVE a GUD'N ALL. and keep the grassy side up as they say.
I'm off for a splash in my 32 deg pool with missus.
There you go.
ME. WITH the belly under table.. At X-Mas this yr.
Me in army.(on left)
Me outside barracks in Germany. (Both at 17\18yrs)
Front of our home.
and Pool.
Plus view from part of front eck.
need to get upset about what ANYBODY said to or about me.
I'm there mate.
Comfortably retired.
Suck it up. (NOT to the nice ones out there.)
Love to all.
-- Edited by macka17 on Sunday 7th of May 2017 12:19:05 PM
As long as you enjoy the ones you do mate.
We ALL different.
And just talking about a thing.Full Stop with NO examples of or anything. Just A to B
Seems very boring to me.
Too clinical and non human.
Goes right across from Middle of Great Keppel to almost Shoalwater.
Great keppel out the back deck too, one side. upstairs.
and good views from downstairs too.
Park over road. Large individual plot homes behind us.
Sweet as.
One way Drive. NO through traffic.
Every house in street has sea views. Both side.
It curves, with high\low sides.
Took a Loooong time to find.
15 min's walk to beach.
and you can walk for miles without seeing anybody.
Whoops power going out. dropped to 1\2.
Better have a look
I've been around forums for long time, only around this one for a short time. It's enjoyable, and it's no different to most others - full of humans posting experiences, opinions, errors, judgements, emotional vents, the rational and irrational, and some really, really useful information. Yeah, there's a protocol to stay on topic, but if that were done with absolute rigidity we'd never enjoy a laugh (or a moan), and we'd be no better than robots. As others have said, reading any post is optional but I'm sure most have benefited from macka's along the way because he often plants some real gems of information / experience in there. YOLO, so let's get on with enjoying it, macka clearly does!
"Opinion is the medium between ignorance and knowledge" - Plato