There is a beach at Cooktown where thousands of thongs wash up, all of the same foot. You have to take the thong you picked up and travel around to the other side of the world to find it's mate! This is fair dinkum, one foot follows one current direction, the other the opposite! Both end a world apart! Unfortunately, I know a lot of marriages like that!
I remember my time in Darwin when there was a person known as the "Garbage Warrior". He would pick up pieces of litter and make an artistic display out of it.
If all these shoes and thongs were lying about they would look extremely unsightly. I think this looks pretty amusing and a good discussion point for those travelling passed.
Fair dinkum. If this is the biggest problem we are facing today then we are doing alright!
The first time it was interesting, for a while, then it became just more rubbish.
If people like it so much they can do it in their own back yards, but this crap does not belong in the environment that I travel to see and enjoy.
Thong trees, bra trees, bottle trees, bike trees or any other 'litter hanging' tree are all litter and no longer amusing. The first one can make you smile after that they are downright annoying.
I'm in the category who thinks of it as Litter, Rubbish, Pollution.
Perhaps a line of Old Cranking Batteries as road edging might be considered by some just as a change. The old "Oil Filter Tree" tree has got to be a winner. Termite Mounds sporting Safety Helmets, and so on.