Hi everyone, we are new to this site. Can anyone help with this problem please. Towing a Jayco Swan with a Toyota Hilux and have strapped on extension mirrors. Mirrors are fine except every time a truck passes it blows the mirror in to the drivers window. Is there a way to maybe tighten the folding mirrors. Thanks Norm and Jean
Welcome Norm & Jean,
I had a set of ORA Big Red (I think they were) mirrors when I had the GQ (& towing an Eagle) - they had an arm that stuck on to the door & overcame that problem. However the GU is a bit more curvy & the door arm would not stick.
So I bought "truck mirrors" which are fine except they scratch the windows unless the tabs are recoated with heat-shrink. I believe the best are Clearview but they are rather large to say the least, especially in narrow car parks!
Be wary of doing damage to your mirrors - they might be costly to repair.
Happy travelling, Happy Navigating on this site.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Yes Clearview are certainly the Rolls Royce of mirrors, but quite expensive.
I have 'clip on' Milenco which are VERY good.
Their aerodynamic shape makes them less prone to folding back, but mine have done that once or twice. I overcame the problem by attaching an elastic strap from the base of my CB aerial mount to the mirror bracket.
On my previous Oraca? mirrors, I used a bracket from the bottom of my weather shield to the mirror bracket. That worked too.
I was unable to tighten the Patrol's mirror .. sorry.
The last few years we have been using a pair of the four point Brunsgaard Universal mirrors. http://universaltowingmirrors.com.au
We have found them to be excellent and take about 10 seconds to remove and double that to put on. For the drivers mirror we purchased an ORA Suction Support Arm and fitted it and that stops the folding back issue :https://www.caravansplus.com.au/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=10686
I to have the minenco clip on mirrors, and yes, on a narrow road and right wind conditions, if truck going the other way, it would push them in ? especially the Pantech B-Doubles as they create a lot of wind turbulance, -- I just put a occy strap, one hook underside of CAR mirror. other hook just in gap between front gaurd, and bonnet, last year did the west coast from Nullabor to Darwin, and not even the road train could push it in ??
I got fed up with all that occy strap stuff, cardboard packing and all that, I just went Clearview. Park away from any else, good exercise and fold them in. Haven't lost one of had one blown in since. The wide view and normal views are great and no more adjusting, just push them back in once adjusted with the van on and that is it!
I secured a cord to the back of the mirror which was tied under the bonnet. Stopped the problem and costed nothing. Clear view mirrors may be the best but if you are still living in the city, they are too big to fit in all the small spaces one needs to visit.
This is my 100 entry, I think The Chief has had 10,000 since my first but I not called Snail for nothing.
We've had a pair of ORA mirrors for the past 5 years (60,000kms), nothing but a pain in the butt for the whole time.
The diagonal struts down to the door fell of numerous times & were eventually run over by a road train in Outback NSW.
They actually worked better without the struts but one of the two plastic lugs that fit over the car mirror snapped off & was stuck back on a dozen times using various glues like epoxy & eventually liquid nails.
The second lug broke recently along with the first again & we drove home with the mirror strapped to the car with lots of elastic bands.
We've had a pair of cheap speed shop type mirrors sitting in the garage for when we tow our 17ft boat, they'll do from now on when we're towing our caravan.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
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Another vote for Clearview mirrors here. On all the time and just slide out when towing and slide back in when not. Just fold in when in car parks, no problem. Love 'em.
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DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Norm, if you wish to persevere with your current mirrors, and folding in when a truck passes is your only problem, try putting a 1" square piece of gaffa tape on the rear of the hinge on your vehicle mirror... that is, across the hinge facing the front of the vehicle. This is a cheap fix that will work in most cases.