I didn't know that credit card details were recorded on MyGov but I guess they ask you for them in the fake site....bank account details certainly are recorded there but not password.
Every time you use your credit/debit card 'wherever' it is so easy for them to copy the details from the front and back of the card, plus easy to obtain bank account account name, number and BSB -
Example: I am selling a chainsaw on Gumtree, buyer says he will pay money into my bank account, you forward details and you never hear from him again.
Example: I am buying a chainsaw on Ebay and they ask for credit details, number on front and CSV number on back so you forward them, you never hear from them again.
I don't even use links in this forum, lik the one RL has provided below. Sorry RL, not a dig at you, just don't trust links.
Your caution is understood and well-placed.
However, when "information/advice" is put in any forum and there is no source (eg link to source material) provided for that information/advice/opinion then that information/advice/opinion has to be taken on 'face value'.
Given some of the comments/information/advice/opinions provided in forums (and around that oft-sought campfire gathering) there needs to be some concrete source to validate what is being offered.
Any information I read on forums (or hear around that oft-sought campfire gathering) is taken with a grain of salt until I can validate it with a 'third party' source.
Perhaps in this particular case, without a link to the source of the post, I would have visited Mr Google and sought further information to confirm - or dismiss - the advice provided. If contradictory advice is found from that search - I post it for clarification.
I must admit I have noticed over the years on forums, judging from the comments that ensue, the majority of members/viewers/commenters rarely read a link - and if they do - rarely read it all the way through.
Personally, if I am providing information/advice I feel I need to provide the source of that advice - why trust me even given any experience I may have gained - who says it is valid. Look at the convoluted roundabout of posts on WDH or electricity for instance.
cheers - John
-- Edited by rockylizard on Saturday 15th of April 2017 08:33:15 AM
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
I think the most important point made by Brickies on this scam, is the SMS message. For those who don't use My Gov but are considering it, once you enter your User Name and Password, you automatically receive an SMS with a code number. You cannot access the site until you enter the Code. So if you access the Phishing site, enter your User Name and Password and DO NOT receive the SMS code number, this should alert you to a possible scam. Some Banks are using this system now when you log on to Online Banking.
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
I think the most important point made by Brickies on this scam, is the SMS message. For those who don't use My Gov but are considering it, once you enter your User Name and Password, you automatically receive an SMS with a code number. You cannot access the site until you enter the Code. So if you access the Phishing site, enter your User Name and Password and DO NOT receive the SMS code number, this should alert you to a possible scam. Some Banks are using this system now when you log on to Online Banking.
I have been using MyGov for Centrelink, ATO, JobSearch and My Health Record for years.
I simply logon, and that prompts one of five "security" questions (that I had to set up when I originally began using MyGov).
I do not receive an SMS message with a code when I logon ... nor have I ever been offered that as a "security" method.
Indeed, I just checked the main logon page and cannot see where I can ask to be included in an automated SMS code.
Perhaps, those who do have such a service, can let us know how to set this option.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
I think the most important point made by Brickies on this scam, is the SMS message. For those who don't use My Gov but are considering it, once you enter your User Name and Password, you automatically receive an SMS with a code number. You cannot access the site until you enter the Code. So if you access the Phishing site, enter your User Name and Password and DO NOT receive the SMS code number, this should alert you to a possible scam. Some Banks are using this system now when you log on to Online Banking.
I have been using MyGov for Centrelink, ATO, JobSearch and My Health Record for years.
I simply logon, and that prompts one of five "security" questions (that I had to set up when I originally began using MyGov).
I do not receive an SMS message with a code when I logon ... nor have I ever been offered that as a "security" method.
Indeed, I just checked the main logon page and cannot see where I can ask to be included in an automated SMS code.
Perhaps, those who do have such a service, can let us know how to set this option.
Cheers - John
Actually John, I did not set up the SMS system. One day it just happened and it's happened ever since. I guess it's necessary to go thru the My Gov website to find out what options are available. I cant recall if I answered security questions for that site. It's not just Old Timer's setting in, it's just that I have a few sites that require an SMS, mainly Banking. I have a few moments to spare right now so I'll look over My Gov and make another post if anything of interest turns up.
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
That was easy to find. On the home page of My Gov, click on Security. It appears you only have to give your cellphone number to receive SMS when you log on:
Your secret questions and answers are used when you sign in to your myGov account and for other functions such as resetting your password. To keep your secret answers safe you should:
§never share your answers with anyone
§choose secret answers which are not widely known or can be found from other sources such as social media
If you have registered a mobile phone to your myGov account, myGov will send you SMS codes, including security codes when you sign in and confirmation codes when important account details change. To protect your account and keep your phone secure you should:
§never share these SMS codes with anyone
§keep an eye on your mobile phone to make sure you can always access any SMS myGov may send you
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
My mobile number is included in my Profile and has been there from the day I created 'my account'.
However, I was only asked to create five 'secret' questions when I 'set up' the MyGov account.
There is no facility, that I can see/find, where I can nominate that I also require an SMS code to be forwarded before allowing access to my account/s.
It is there in my profile details - always has been - but never received an SMS message.
Not to worry. Unless Uncle Al kicks in and I change in the future, I never respond to requests such as the one detailed in this and other posts for 'financial details' ... they get deleted almost instantaneously.
I have sufficient nouse to know that NO organisation will send me an email asking for my financial details ... and if they did, as per standard advice - I ring them to confirm the validity of the email.
cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
If you have a mobile phone and reliable mobile reception, we recommend that you set up and use myGov security codes on your myGov account.
To set up your account to receive myGov security codes, sign in to your myGov account and turn them on in Settings.
myGov security codes require an Australian mobile phone number.
If you can no longer receive myGov security codes because you have lost access to your mobile phone number or are currently overseas you can contact us for help to create a new myGov account.
Go to settings - account and select,,,,,
myGov security codes at sign-in
and turn ON
Cheers Baz
Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.