Cannot think of anywhere really rotten at the moment. once, in a caravan park people who were renting an onsite van were drinking, n man chased woman with a knife. Taxi delivered alcohol to them. Scarey as heck. We had booked in for 6 weeks. We left within the first week. Thank goodness we only paid a week at a time. They were allowed to stay until there rent was paid up to. They were told to behave By staff. Police were called. we left .
I enjoy some of the towns regarded as 'worst towns' such as Timber Creek, Elliott, Camooweal, Cloncurry, Borroloola they all have their problems, but if your willing to take time and have a talk to the locals you will soon find that they are mainly good genuine down to earth people. On different trips to the Territory I have meet wonderful townspeople in all these towns that have made me feel more than welcome.