All I can say.
Is anybody who's dumb enough to click on ANYTHING they haven't personally ordered or arranged themselves.
Regardless of the heading.
With all the warnings on net. and elsewhere about such.
Deserves ALL the problems they get.
Sorry for them. Yes.
But WHY be so dumb...
All anybody has to do is look at Email Address of sender.
It has to be at top of EVERY mail.
If it doesn't coincide "exactly", letter by letter. figure , space and symbol.
IF they legal. they'll come back again.
If a scammer. they'll know they've been read,
and go elsewhere.
A couple. I've sent return mail giving them the ph no of my local police station..
To date. they've never had a call.
How people can be sooooo dumb nowadays is beyond belief.
If you have enough nouse to run a computer.
You (should) have enough nouse to check everything that concerns your wallet.
Please remember that many computers are 'shared' in an office or at home - so someone else may find an incoming email and be curious / unsure about it ... therefore clicking on the link(s) to find out about it, and thus 'report to the boss'
Ozzie_Traveller wrote:so someone else may find an incoming email and be curious / unsure about it ... therefore clicking on the link(s) to find out about it,
And that dear reader is exactly the uneducated behavior pattern the scammers are hoping for, curiosity killed the cat.
The best advice I can give is what I do.
You don't know them. Delete.
Check incoming email address.
if it doesn't match the subjects. in EVERY way. delete.
I actually delete all junk with the little star on side of that line.
Zap gone.
Regardless. Don't even glance at them.
And 4.
I "normally" know who and when I'm dealing with people.
4 at present, over the net.
Anything else.
read with 100% suspicion. Then mainly. delete.
There have been so many warnings. EVERYWHERE these last few yrs.
Anybody who ignores. Through "nosiness" or just plain stupidity.