Yep came back from NZ yesterday . No wind just heaps of consistent warm rain . The rivers down stream will cop floods now . Much the same as Queensland at pressent . Highway past Meremere / Mercer south of Auckland . The Waikato river is mm off the main highway .,
So where is it going next? Townsville is desperate for some rain but I'm certain the wind would not be welcome!
Several years ago & before I retired a cyclone came in over northern CY Peninsula (Monica?) & went all around Australia before petering out south of Port Lincoln (SA)! I recall one of the Telstra staff at Weipa telling me that it was "an excuse to get them to clean up their back yards" as one ice-cream container on his back lawn did not shift!
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Yes down south in high country . The wind blows between both islands . The new cyclone is not helping .. Why we call Wellington . Windy Wellington . Even though it's on the North Island . Btw down south they've had bugger all rain .