I have been reading in this forum about how nervous Solo travelers and indeed nervous couples about staying at National Parks , Forest Free Camps and other remote locations. Apart from one incident recently near Taree NSW when some hooligans robbed the car while the owners were in the toilets at a highway rest stop I have not heard of anything else.
So there are a lot of nervous people out camping, but is there any reports of any bad things actually occurring ?
How apprehensive are you when staying at home in your suburb/town/city?
How apprehensive are you when walking down your street/s daytime and/or night time?
Experience shows - and the statistics as well - that living in a suburb/town/city is far more likely to attract 'adverse' or 'threatening' or 'criminal" behaviour.
Praps I am just a very lucky bloke ... but having been camping, by myself for the past 55 years, in tents, swags under bridges, camper trailers, and now my big caravan, in almost every type of camping spot in almost every corner of this great country I have yet to encounter anything that even vaguely approaches 'threatening behaviour'.
Robberies and other threatening behaviour occur every hour in suburbs/towns/cities ... very rarely away from them.
Certainly, there are many people who have not ventured beyond city limits to 'remote' environs and therefore feel 'apprehensive' and I understand how they must feel. But to quote a wise Chinese saying - "There is no fear other than fear itself".
If ya not frightened at home ... then jest git out and enjoy this fantastic country. Incidents in National, State and forest parks are rare - ya more likely to get bitten by a shark I reckon.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
I agree with John, I think you've got more chance of something going wrong in suburbier than you have at a randomly picked camp ground. That doesn't mean you shouldn't drop your guard or that it can't happen. So, you should allways beaware of your surroundings and keep your vehicles/belongings secure even if your only going to be 5 minutes away.
We've experienced a few minor incedents over the last 6 or so years, but nothing that would deter us from continuing to travel and free camp as much as possible. The only time we've had anything stolen was in the "safety" of a caravan park.
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
When ever I stop at a campsite just check if lots of beer bottles, syringes and skid marks I just move on. That sort of person is likely to return. Other than that I never worry attack risks.
After living for 60 years on a farm 4klm from nearest neighbor and
1.5 klm from a main hwy and not ever having a problem tnen I reckon there is less risk in an isolated rest area.
Just enjoy, be aware and don't worry
Hi everyone there are lots of opinions on the board but the actual question was Has anyone Experienced or heard of any actual events ?
Sorry Peter I guess I said it badly .... apart for the odd story on the media - the short answer is NO - I have never experienced an 'actual event' nor have I met anyone who has experienced an 'actual event'.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Only once in over 50 years of camping and caravanning have I ever been hassled (at a beautiful little rest stop in Matong NSW) a ute full of drunken youths going to "Burning Seed" festival, relieving themselves and being obnoxious. Even then I never feared for my safety, just disappointed as it is one of the loveliest little towns in the Riverina Regions. I am always prepared for eventualities (Raid wasp spray) but try to ascertain safe places to camp during daylight hours.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
We've been bush camping by ourselves mostly, since 1972 starting with a 2 man tent then to larger tents, camper trailers & finally a caravan. We've never had a problem of any kind.
If you feel unsafe bush camping by yourselves don't do it. Simple as that.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
Trip Reports posted on feathersandphotos.com.au Go to Forums then Trip Reports.
Not an issue . I find camping in town or way out of town better . On outer fringes seems to attract goons . We are in motor home . Tend to stop off main roads if we can . Most roads have places to stop anyway .
I once saw 2 blokes in a busy bush camp have a bit of a fisty cuffs over their dogs. I was relieved of the contents of a Waeco fridge I had left under the awning one night, but that was in a caravan park. Apart from these 2 incidences I have never witnessed any other problems free camping and never had cause to feel nervous.
Cheers, John.
"My mind is made up. Please don't confuse me with facts."
Hi everyone there are lots of opinions on the board but the actual question was Has anyone Experienced or heard of any actual events ?
Not an actual event, but just a gut feeling
2014 a free camp on the New England Highway just south of Tenterfield From memory the camp was called Bluff Rock or Bluff knoll
Nothing there except a toilet and some cover with table and bench, and very close to the road
I was on my own in an old caravan and car, so really from the outside, nothing worth stealing I was carrying $3,000 in cash as being my first lap, I had no idea if everyone accepted the plastic card
A battered type car came in with two men and one woman. Woman went to the toilet, one man stayed in the car The second man came up to the caravan. He was smelling very strongly of booze
He asked if I was travelling on my own, and then asked if I was going to stay the night on my own.
The way he said it somehow made me suspicious. I told him that I was expecting friends I had met on the road to show up, as we had arranged to meet here
I was 67 years of age at the time, and that was the only time, I have felt uncomfortable
Only once in over 50 years of camping and caravanning have I ever been hassled (at a beautiful little rest stop in Matong NSW) a ute full of drunken youths going to "Burning Seed" festival, relieving themselves and being obnoxious. Even then I never feared for my safety, just disappointed as it is one of the loveliest little towns in the Riverina Regions. I am always prepared for eventualities (Raid wasp spray) but try to ascertain safe places to camp during daylight hours.
Hi Possum ,what is this Raid wasp spray and how would you use it.
Have never been fearful or even apprehensive at any of the many, many camps we have stayed,in the outer areas, however, did have a bit of a problem in a camp in a large town in WA - decided to leave at about 9;30pm when the "locals" got a bit too close to the camping area, and our MH, after the police forced them out of the park nearby, earlier in the day.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
I posted this a couple of weeks ago; Men's clothing and boots outside van an absolute must. Man's old hat with fishhooks in band on dash of tug. Nothing attractive to ferals on display in tug. Always, repeat always have a can of Raid Wasp Killer next to door - will stop any intruder/s man or beast in their tracks. It can be used at a safe distance (7 meters). www.raid.com/en-us/products/raid-wasp-and-hornet-killer-33 look at solutions video. Don't be forgetful and leave tool or any equipment outside that may be attractive to ferals, or be used as a weapon against you.
Possum; AKA:- Ali El-Aziz Mohamed Gundawiathan
Sent from my imperial66 typewriter using carrier pigeon, message sticks and smoke signals.
It appears to me that none of the responders have had, or know of, any major incidents to report. I have seen none myself in our limited free camping experience.
If you are nervous, or doubt what has been put forward here, I suggest you stay in caravan parks or major camp grounds to be around people, although I don't think that guarantees your safety or having no incidents.
I suggest that the lack of other posters means that other readers probably don't have any knowledge of incidents either, bearing in mind there have been over 600 viewings of this post.
-- Edited by TheHeaths on Tuesday 4th of April 2017 03:57:34 PM
Regards Ian
Chaos, mayhem, confusion. Good my job here is done
Been staying in bush camps all round Aus for the last 10 years or so and have never experienced any problems at all. Having said that, I always leave the car and van hooked up and ready to move at a moments notice if the need arises.
As has been stated by other posters, I feel more ill at ease in van parks in some towns. (gear stolen or come up against some agro spoiling for trouble)
Peter, it reads as if you want someone to say they were axe murdered.
I've been Tax Murdered by the ATO.... does that count?
Steve, Di & Ziggy We named our Motorhome "Roadworx" because on the road works "On The Road Again" Ford Transit with 302 Windsor V8 conversion, C4 Auto, 9 Inch Ford Diff All Lighting L.E.D., 260 Amp/h AGM, 530 Watt Solar + Kipor Backup Gen.
I do remember in the 1980's when a tourist from overseas killed about five campers with a high powered rifle, on a kill spree
The man was obviously a loony, and the police shot him dead
He could have just as easily targeted, fish and chip customers, instead of campers in a remote area
They still haven't found Mr Falconio..........
I was led to believe that Mr Falconio was murdered on the highway, not in an isolated free camp
I believe that there is more chance of being killed in a caravan park, near a large town, than a free camp When a social misfit, has exhausted all his house renting options, his last port of call, will be a caravan park
In the South West of Western Australia, I can remember two murders within the last ten years or so, in caravan parks
In one case, two men were trying to court the same woman. a fight started and one man was killed with a knife
In another case, a young man stuck a knife into an older man for (no known reason), and murdered him His excuse was that he did not like the way, the old man looked at him
The only problem that we encountered where both related to caravan parks nothing to write home about and one on a roadside stop when we ignored our usual safety advice as it was a peaceful spot and it was after 4 pm when we should have moved to another stop further up the road as we where on our own, anyway when it got dark a car load of Aboriginal people turned up and parked in front of, our fault again as we where parked near the barbque and they wanted to cook but they were loud and unfortunately there is no Aboriginal words for the usual swear words but they didn't cause any problems for us except we had herd of stories that they can come back later and cause havoc so we didn't want to take the chance, we wouldn't be able to sleep anyway, so 6 hours later the next rest area was devil's marbles and the only problem there was a camper van pulled up beside us for the night and we had to listen to their love making I had to wake my wife up to listen as well and she just said go back to sleep so the moral of the story is you would have to be really unlucky to have something bad happen and just have some basic safety rules, we have a can of fly spray near the door and have never used it, relax and enjoy regards Danny and Rosina ps the devil's marbels is a fantastic free camp but can get very busy
Yes thats great BUT do you know of any actual incidents ?
Hi Peter
Here is my "bad experience" from years ago, just to make you feel better !
Stopped at a nice little park and dossed down for the night on my own it the camper van. After 10pm a group of "bikies" reved in and proceeded to park everywhere and lit a fire and had a few drinks and loudish conversation and some uncooth behaviour. However they left me to myself and in the morning light I found a way out between the sleeping bodies and ?? Nothing really, just my own apprehension kept me awake for a while !
We free camp most of the time as it suits. Just had a few days along the Murray in the reserves. Almost alone most of the nights. Quiet as it gets.
-- Edited by Jaahn on Thursday 6th of April 2017 11:30:21 AM
Peter, it reads as if you want someone to say they were axe murdered.
Not at all and for the record we are not particularly nervous. Its just that many conversations round the fire often go to whether people are nervous or not and there is a huge amount of nervous people on the forums. One chap told me he sleeps with a small axe under his pillow others have said they wish they could have a gun so I thought I would see if anyone had actually witnessed or knew about any incident that actually happened ? So far there are no serious incidents reported in this thread.
I feel fine . My Mrs will send any intruder running . Only issue is setting at rec ground . Was abused for parking 50m away . Said it was too close . Pfft . The next morning we had 20 vans between us . Lol Some old grumps out there . Not to worry too much . The good are way better !!
Im a single woman travelling in a campervan. I nearly always stay in free camps. I travel with my small dog. She is a very good guard dog. Anyone is allowed to pass but if it is closer than a metre she will start to growl . The only time I have ever had any trouble is when I have camped behind a country pub. Some ask that you buy a meal in return for the free stay. Unfortunately when you go into a pub on your own and eat a meal alone, there are a few that think you might want a bit if company later on. I had a knock on my door and a man called out. Would you like a bit of company in there love? No thank you I replied nicely amidst my dogs hysterical barking. He left. I heaved a sigh of relief, hugged my dog and snuggled deeper under the doona. I dont think I will eat again on my own in a pub.