Would like some feed back on the Windsor Seka Pop Top caravans, what was the build quality like? More interested in vans from the last 12 - 18 months. We are looking at the SKL552 with single beds.
Just look at one, if you like it, buy it! Look at many and compare prices. If you are worried about lemons, please stay at home and never become a grey nomad! Otherwise, buy what you like and enjoy the life, it is great life on the road. Also, beware old grumpy sods like me that knock anything anyone else posts! Also, look at is what on the road and ask other owners. I drove into caravan parks and walked around and looked at other peoples set ups and asked questions before I decided. Cheers!!
We have a SKL 552S arriving soon, looked at all various pop tops and found the build quality of the Windsor to be superior to others, plus, this model will fit under our carport safely.