I was on the Bylong Rd NSW heading to Mudgee on Tuesday this week. Very windy and down to travelling between seventy five and eighty KPH.
Just on dark and unfortunately I had a huge Owl fly down and hit my windscreen. Cracks everywhere and I stopped but couldn't find the Owl. Being dark I was probably looking in the wrong place. The impact was very hard and I reckon the thing was the weight of a goose.
Even with driving slower than normal, one I hadn't travelled that road before, two it was extremely windy with slight drizzle, and three just on dark it was hard to see even with high beam lights on.
Not a pleasant thing and it made me wonder just how much of our wild life do we hit during our travels.
Not something we want to happen but it is sad to see some beautiful bird get hit.
Frogs are the biggest losers, warm night, water either side of the road, amorous intentions, we just don't see them, splat! Otherwise, just look for the road pizza signs on the road, greasy spots that never fade because they have been driven into the road! It is sad when you hit a beast, it is even sadder when the beast hits you!
However, I must report, there have been quite a few occasions when a rabbit has been T-boned and has provided a hearty meal!